Chapter 36.

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Alex's p.o.v~ 

*back home in boltimore* 

"Georgia don't be like that" I say chasing after Georgia from a party 

"don't be like this! Are you freaking crazy Alex, how can I not be like this, we are meant to be getting married in 2 months! But if you aren't sure that this is what you want, please tell me now" She says turning around, we stand under a street light, her eyes filled with tears 

"boo, ashley, came on to me, I swear" I say 

"tell me the truth, do you want this!" she says, but she can hardly talk, her tears are taking over, it hurts me, it kills me, look what I've done, and all I want is to be with her, but words will never explain it enough..  

"you are all I've ever wanted, in my whole life, we all fall in love, we live to look for love, once you fall in love the emptiness goes away, boo, I am in love with you" I say putting my hand on her cheek, I feel a tear touch my hand, I whipp it away, she pulls away 

"you're still an asshole" she says before walking away, and I take it in and let her go, I stand under the street light for another 20 minutes, my phone goes off 

"Alex, what happened?" I hear jack say on the other end, I can't even talk  

"jack, Ashley's at it again, I can't let her win, I love georgia" I finally answer 

"I know you do, I know you do, but i wasn't talking about that, I was wondering why Gee got rushed to hospital.." he says softly trying to stay calm, but worry rushes all through my body, my eyes water, and MU heart pounds!  

"what?!" I almost yell,  

"calm down man, just get down here!" jack says, I run, run as fast as I can to my house, jump in my car, and yeah I speed down to the hospital, once I get in i run in and find Georgia's room, zack, jack and Rian are waiting out the front of her room 

"is she okay!" I say 

"we don't know yet man, just take a seat and wait with us, she should be okay, we just don't know what happened" zack says 

"I hope she didn't go back to her old ways after tonight.." I say under my breath 

"she wouldn't cut, not anymore she's been 1 year clean.." Rian says, but I'm too worried, I feel like I'm about to be sick 

"you can go in, she's unconscious, she will be okay" says the doctor "you can go in, but be quick" he says letting us in, everyone's around her bed and I freeze at the door, she lays there, pail, looking sick, bandages around her arms, she looks like she's in pain, and I wish I could take all that pain and out it in me..


Short again, sorry I've been so busy! 

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!! :)

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