Chapter 14

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Alex's p.o.v~

"wake up sleepy head" I hear a soft voice say, I slowly open up my eyes and Georgia is sitting there next to me, with her sweet smile, see that every morning would just put you in a good mood all day! I smile once I see her "we've gotta go in 2 hours, don't you need to do last minute packing" she says biting her lip, I love it so much when she does that, I just nod, "well come on, get up, I'm done and all ready, I'll come help you, lazy head" she says jumping over me to get out of bed, she was wearing a long-ish wolf shirt, it wasn't too long but I couldn't see anything, I sigh and get up, I stand up and stretch

"shit!" I say rememebering I've got to dump Ashley so I can work on this thing with Georgia, cause I know, there is something there, I know I still like her, and I want to see what we could be, if it's just friends, that's okay, but I need Ashley out of my life, she's nothing but trouble. "what?" she says putting on shorts that had awesome bright patterns on them, she looked so stunning she took out her plat and quickly put her make up on, she put on some blue vans "I've got to dump Ashley today" I say sighing

"not if you love her" Georgia says I give her a look saying "are you fucking serious" she just giggles "just saying"

We go to my house and Ashley's out the front "I'll meet you inside" Georgia says walking inside with her bags

"hey Ashley" I say not making eye contact with her "it's not going to work, I'll be on tour, and away for 3 months, I don't like distance" she slaps me "if you're dumping me for Georgia again! I swear when you come back that she won't be able to stand you" she says storming off, she's all talk, but it still scared me I walked inside and Georgia hands me toast, with nutella on it

"nothing exciting but you need something to eat, how'd it go?" she says smiling

"thanks so much, you are honestly the best! It was fine, just got a slap" I laugh she just puts Her hand where Ashley slapped me, "it's going red" she says, but once her hand touches it it feels better, then she kisses it "kisses make everything feel better" she giggles before walking up to help me finish packing, 1 hour later we are done and take my bags down to sit with hers she makes me lunch and we sit infront of the tv and have a little cuddle, then jack runs it

"IIIITTTSSSS TIIIIIMMMEEEE" he yells trying to sing it like a opera person, Georgia stands up and goes to grab the bags

"doesn't someone look cute today" jack says give her hugs

"yeah you! Ya cutie" she says giggling jack picks her up and takes her to the van! I grab her bags and zack comes to get Georgia's we get on and Georgia runs out

"I could of got my bags!" she says

"no I'm good" I smile, she grabs her bag that's got her phone, laptop, game boy, books and makeup in it with hair brush to have before we put all our bags away, I hope on the van and jack and Georgia are sitting down at the table and laughing

"Pokemon game boy" jack laughs

"stop! It's cool! You're just jealous!" she giggles and I sit next to her, we all sit and talk about how excited we are, Georgia puts her head on my shoulder

"I'm getting tired" she sighs

"it's okay if you fall asleep here I'll carry you to bed" I whisper in her ear and I look down and she's smiling with her eyes closed, she's perfevt

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