You Fall

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Today was your birthday.
And today your abusive parents
brought you deep into the
woods, but they leave you there.
The next thing you remember
was falling down into a hole.

You The story Other


You fall onto a bunch of
yellow flowers. You decide to
explore your new surroundings.

*This looks like some type of ruins.
*Looks as if I'm not getting back up there. I'll have to continue into the unknown.

You enter the ruins, to find a
yellow flower with a lust filled

Howedy I'm Flowey, Flowey the* flower. Welcome to the underground.
It looks like you're new here, let* me show you how things are done down here.

*How do things work here?

That's when all of the sudden
Flowey, grabbed you and stripped you naked. He was about to rape you but thankfully a goat resuced you.

My child are you all right?*
Did that thing do anything to* you?

*It just tore my clothes off and...and.

You started to cry. You just couldn't help but to. It was the only thing you could do, or so you thought.

My child, come with me.*
I'll get your clothing so you may* put them on.

*Thank you...miss.
*I appreciate what you have done for me. Even if we just met.

Please call me Toirel.*
And you you are very welcome* my child.

Toirel grabs your clothes. You get dressed.

You think to yourself, 'What the fuck is wrong with these monsters.' 'Why did it look like it lusted for sex.'

You having a secret sexual side or SSS, for short, it did help just alittle, since it shows itself to only the one you are falling in love with.

That's the end of chapter 1. I hope you enjoyed this, very short chapter. Comment if you like my set up for the story.

~Yandere~Underlust~Sans x Sweet Innocent ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now