A Murder in Snowdin

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I walk through the snow, making my way back to two skeleton's house. I get a few catcalls here and there but other than that no monster has approached me yet. I arrive at the skeletons' house and head inside to be met with the warm air hitting my chilled body.

"Papyrus I'm," I cough lightly before continuing. "Back."

Papyrus walks into the living room and sees my shivering. The door a sliver the way open. Snow seeping through such small crack that I would have barely seen it hadn't it been for the gust of cold.

"(Y/N) are you alright?" Papy questions before walking up to me. "You're shivering. Sit on the couch so that I may cover you with some blankets."

I do as I was ordered and sit gently on the soft couch. Papyrus leaves but soon returns with a few blankets. I take them, saying a small thank you, and drape them over myself. The warmth of the blankets engulf my body as I fall into a hazy slumber. It was a few hours later I had awoken. I decide to click the television on.

"There seems to be snow covered in dust. Blood was found mixed with the snow and dust where the victim most likely was murdered," one of the people stated, seemingly scared.

"A human has been seen walking around here. We suspect that it may be them who eliminated such monster. We've questioned a few monsters and they have all said that the human was speaking with the victim a few hours before," another said.

"Please report any suspicious behavior from either the human or others around you."

I hadn't noticed it but my eyes had swelled with tears and were flowing down my face. Why had I been the suspect? I didn't do it.



Okay so yes it's been like a year since this book was updated. I personally don't like how this book was made and have debated on whether or not I should just delete it. BUT I realized that most of my followers read this and would be very upset with me. If you couldn't tell, I've kind of fallen out of this fandom and want to write about other stuff. I also am not on Wattpad very often. I will try to get on Wattpad more often to write, update, get ideas, ect. ect. Going to be honest..... I have no clue where this is going so prepare for random shit.

Until next time,


~Yandere~Underlust~Sans x Sweet Innocent ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now