Any Name

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Your P.O.V.

Sans chuckled. I really don't appreciate the name he gave me. I had told him not to call me Doll. Ugh. My biggest thing is, MONSTERS HAVING MAGICAL ABILITIES! Like that's not far to us humans. I am also don't like how we're sitting. I decided to speak. "Could you possibly let go of me please. This is like, extremely awkward for me," I said, trying to pry his arms off my waist.

"But I don't want to. You see I'm quite comfortable just like this." Sans then laid his head on my shoulder.

Papyrus pulled Sans off of me. "Sans stop being like that. I'm pretty sure (Y/N) doesn't like that," Pap said. I secretly had prayed for Papy to help, and he did. Thank you Papyrus, you my friend are a life saver.

"But Pap I wasn't doing anything," Sans paused in the middle of his sentence. He mumbled the rest but I could hear him. "At least no yet," is what he said. I could he him smirking and looking at me.

I looked away and back at Mettaton. My eyes saying everything. Mettaton understood and hugged me. It was a kind and gentle hug. One like what you would get from a loving and caring mother. Something only Toriel gave me. I of course hugged back being kind of scared of Sans. "(Y/N), sweetheart it is okay. Everything is going to be okay," Mettaton whispered in my ear lovingly. "Papy, dear would you mind making some spaghetti?"

Papyrus put Sans down and replied to the robot's question. "Anything for you my love~" he cooed and kissed Mettaton's forehead. He then walked off to what I presume to be the kitchen. I could see that Sans had decided to walk up the stairs, most likely going to his bedroom to do who knows what.

~Temmie Skip~

Papyrus walked out with a few plates of spaghetti. It smelled of something out of this world. I was still hugging Mettaton, so I decided to let go of them. "Sans get your lazy bone of an," Mettaton covered my ears and then uncovered them. "Down here to eat!"

I look at the robot and asked, "Why did you cover my ears?" I cocked my head slightly to the side.

"Oh (Y/N) it's because Papy likes to swear. I didn't want you to hear it so I covered your ears."

"Oh okay. Also another question. What gender are you?"

"Sweetheart I'm a fabulous robot. I can be any gender you want." Mettaton smiled at me. It was one of what you would call heart warming. I smiled back at the robot.

"Okay, I guess that makes sense." I saw Sans coming down the steps and walking towards the couch. My smile soon disappeared when he sat down next to me, grabbing me by the waist yet again.

"Hey Doll." I slapped him upside the skull because he's a skeleton. He put his phalanges on the back of his skull, rubbing were I hit. "Ow what was that for," he whined.

"It's for calling me Doll. I keep telling you not to call me that," I said sternly. "And please take your arm off of my waist." He took his arm off my waist and picked up a plate of spaghetti and started to eat it. Mettaton and Papyrus did the same. I picked up the remaining plate and took a bite. My eyes sparkled.

"How is it (Y/N)?" Papyrus asked me. He already knew my answer by looking at my expression.

"Amazing," I squeaked. It was better than amazing. It was exquisite. "Could you show me how you cook this, well someday?" At this he spit out his food in shock. No one has ever ask Pap to do that.

"I don't see why not," he responded to my question. Everything was silent. We all just sat there eating in silence.

~Another Temmie Skip~

So it's now night time and we're trying to figure out the sleeping arrangements. Sans keeps suggesting I sleep with him for the night. I went back to the conversation from earlier. I suggested I sleep on the couch. Mettaton had left and went back home a few hours ago. Papyrus wants me to sleep in his room so I'm away from his brother. Sans keeps calling me Doll. Sigh I guess here goes nothing. "Papyrus I'll take you up on your offer," I stated. "I will sleep in your room for the night as to be away from.... your brother."

I could tell Sans was a upset. I guess he really wanted me to sleep in his room. I wonder why. Oh well! "Good choice (Y/N). Let us go! Before my brother freaks out on me!" He grabbed me by the wrist and practically dragged me upstairs and into his bedroom. Before I was in Papyrus's bedroom I yelled down to Sans. "Nitt Sans."

He snapped out of his trance and looked at me. He lipped to me, "Goodnight to you as well, my delicate Doll." He probably didn't know that some humans can read lips. Welp this is going to be one adventure.

Hello min children, both younger and older than me. I have a shout-out for mister, misses, miss, ect @midnightmoon12434
I had trouble putting down your name, so please excuse that it's not highlighted.

Untill next time.

Jeg elsker deg min children
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~Yandere~Underlust~Sans x Sweet Innocent ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now