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()ㅎㅅㅎ() -Yo, imma dawg!


Chanyeol was the first one to arrive, being greeted by Seho that just arrived after him.

He slept for merely 2 hours and went to his schedule.

Going back in the afternoon, he met the other members who he is going to share the house with.

As the day goes by, Chanyeol never stopped thinking about Jinah.

Chanyeol and the other male roommates helped Jinah on carrying her luggages up to her room.

He noticed the box that he left for Jinah.

I thought she forgot about me back then?

"Yah yah, dont look at those STUFF Nana has" Seho smirked

"What stuff, hyung?" Chanyeol had no idea what Seho meant and asked curiously

"Nothing~ Go back to work!"

After 2 days...

At night, Soohyun and Nana cant go to sleep and started playing Go Stop and delivered chicken because of hunger.

Chanyeol was about to go upstairs and met Soohyun in the night, again.

"Oh, Chanyeol. Since youre going to youre room, can you please give this to Nana?"

"Ahrasseo, noona~"

He excitedly goes upstairs and went in Nana's room


"Ehh? Chanyeol? What are you doing here?"

"Soohyun noona asked me to give you..uhmm..this box of chicken"

"We delivered that. You want some?" Jinah fed him chicken while he was about to sit next to her

"I want to cook chicken tomorrow"

"You know how to cook?"

"Of course!"

"Then cook for me the most delicious chicken i will need to eat!"

"Thats just stupid and silly" She chuckled

Im going back to my room. Goodnight, Jinah~ 사랑해" He suddenly kisses her on the lips and went out

Before sleeping, he smiled to himself and dreamed about Jinah

Chanyeol was already sleeping but Soohyun and Jinah are still playing and drinking vodka

"Did you gave Chanyeol some chicken?"

"Of course! He's my first lo-"

"Your first what? You like Chanyeol?"

"N-No, eonni!"

"Hmmm.....ahrasseoyo" She nods, but still suspiscious about her relationship with Chanyeol.

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