Last Moments With The Members Before Going To America

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"I already forgave you a long time ago, eonni" Jinah's voice behind us....

"Jinah!" I looked back and saw Dara noona hug Jinah.

"O-Oh! Eonni! I almost fell!"

"Ch-Chanyeol ah! Were going to the airport together!"

"But what about the plane?"

"CEO oppa wants us to go to America together" She pouted "And even made a deal with your company"


"Dont worry! Kaja! We need to go now! My manager and YOUR manager is in the van waiting for us outside"

"But what about my members? I need to bid goodbye to them"

"Ahrasseo! Me too!"

"Yah, Chanyeol.... I will miss you" Suho hyung suddenly hugged me and i saw a tear fell... just alittle bit? "Take care!"

"I will!"


"*sigh* Sorry, Liz"

"Im just kidding~" She slapped my arm and winked at me.

"Aish, stop being so clingy to me" I said that always make her pout and sulk.

"Take care of Jinah while in America. Im not this serious, but when something happens to her, i while straight up go to America and kill you!"

"앟라써! I vow to your oath of i-will-kill-you-if-something-ever-happens-to-Jinah!"

"Hmm... pinky promise!" And with that, my life will be screwed. If Raina says she will go to America, she really WILL.



Everyone who went in the Roommate house will stay even though the couple are off to America. That reason, i cannot explain. I dont know the fck why but i guess Seho wants to be close to EXO and Orange Caramel?



I sighed and walked out of the van together with Chanyeol, holding hands. I felt Kyungsoo getting out of place so i smiled at him and went to his side, parting my hand with Chanyeol's as he pouted.

The number of people in the airport is much much much more than i expected.

I put on my sunglasses because of all the flashing camera lights that almost made me blind.

Other people.... :( ... they werent so nice to me....

2 months ago, on the day of me and Chanyeol going to the mall and seeing Dara....

I was hated....everyday.

Right now theyre throwing stuff at me and saying they hate me for dating Chanyeol.

Everyone already knew on some episodes of Roommate.

We almost arrived at the plane and i cried. I felt sorry for Chanyeol because he needs to be going back to Korea for his schedules and will get jetlag.... and i need to go to China for Muse Dress filming.


"Chanyeol..." I turned to him with my hand on my mouth.

"Dont mind them" He....hugged me infront of all these people. "Im not scared to admit our love for each other"

Everyone stopped throwing at me and kept quiet.


"ChaNana!" A group of fans shouted, holding a banner and Jinah looked at them with bloodshot eyes from crying.


"Lets go, Jinah" I held her hand and walked together with her.

After settling down our suitcases, i sat and panted, eyes closed.

After awhile, i looked at Jinah, fast asleep already.

"Youre really tired from all of it, huh?" I mumbled and she groaned.

"Im sorry i have to make you go through all of this. Im really so-"

"Please stop talking or i will kiss you"

"Hehe, try me!" I smirked.

"Aish! Just shut up!"

"If you start to whine, I will be the one to kiss you"

"Bwoh? Y-Yah! Andwae!"

"Ugh, please shut up you two" As always, Kyungsoo hyung glared at us. "Sorry if i scared you alittle, Jinah"

"I-Its okay...."


Boarding at the airport, Jinah nervously walked hand in hand with Chanyeol.

Seeing so many ChaNana banners, Jinah grinned and bowed to the fans.

Pledis and SM located the trio's house to stay in as a 2 story modern house.

After they packed theyre luggages, they were invited to an exclusive tour around America.

They got a 1 week tour and after that, went home, smile plastered on their faces.

But its now time to promote After School and EXO.

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