Chapter Two

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I slowly opened my eyes to find myself sitting on a wooden chair in a dark room. I felt a tight grip on my wrists. The rope wrapped around my wrists tightly and my hands were held together behind the back of the chair. I felt as if blood was slowly draining out of my hands. I struggled, in an attempt to allow some blood circulation, but the rough material of the rope rubbed harshly against my skin.

My legs too, were bound together as I tried to stretch. It was so uncomfortable and my back started to itch – I forgot I haven’t bathed for a long time. I wonder how long I’ve been here though.

Diverting my attention to my surroundings, I blinked my eyes a few times to get used to the dim natural lighting. It was probably morning or somewhere near noon. Spider webs hung at the corners of the room and tattered white curtains seem to float gently by the windows. The broken windows leaked in just enough light for me to see. I strained my eyes as I scrutinized the room lit by only mere streaks of sunlight. Dusty glass shards lay on the ground and layers of dirt seemed to pile on the ground. I sneezed as the sudden wind from outside swept up the dust and sent them flying towards me. Once, twice, and thrice! That gave me a confirmation that no one has been here for years. My eyes were mildly puffy and my nose had turned a light pink. Such a filthy place it was! Pieces of shredded newspaper lay on the ground. One of them read, ‘18 November 2000’. That was more than ten years ago!


Mice! It must be! I panicked. Did I mention how scared I was of mice? They were a horror. I could just yell my lungs out right now but I was in such a state of confusion no sound came out.

Where was I? Where was this place? Questions ran through my mind like a bullet train. My hands were bound behind this wooden chair and my legs were tied together. What’s this? Kidnap?

“Hello? Anybody there?” I tried to yell, hoping someone would respond to my not-so-desperate pleas just yet.

I felt someone breathing just beside my neck. I tried to turn my head but my bound hands made that difficult.

“Who… Who are you?” I mustered up my courage to stutter that out while I shivered in fear.

 No response.

“And why did you take me here?” I put together all my willpower to ask again.

I could hear my own breathing and my heart pound vigorously; I waited.

This time someone spoke.

“And so my dearest Angela, how are you? Hope I have not hit you too hard?”

My heart skipped a beat.

Time seemed to have stopped.

I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t believe it. I never imagined that.

I wished I was wrong. I really wished I was.


So what do you think will happen next?


Thanks for reading too ^^


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