Chapter Nine

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Richard’s heart stopped for a split second or two. Oh no, what if…

Richard snapped himself out of the moment. He didn’t dare to even think about it. Crazy ideas swirled and messed around with his head. ‘Angela getting shot…’ It was too much for him to handle.

“Angela…” Richard let the word softly escape his mouth.

Richard could not let anything happen to me, he could not. Richard felt the need to protect me, the need to keep me out of harm’s way. He had to go out to check out the situation outside the room. He had to know if I was safe. He had to see.

Richard pressed on to his bleeding wound one last time and took a long deep breath. He staggered to the door that hung ajar not far away from him. As he approached the door, he could hear Benjamin’s footsteps. He was near. Without any hesitation, Richard caught Benjamin’s arrival from the side of the door and pounced on Benjamin.

The two toppled on to the floor and the gun Benjamin originally held, had been flung aside around two to three meters away. Benjamin roughly pushed Richard away and made an attempt to reach for the gun. The gun was within inches of his reach but he was pulled down by Richard who clung on to Benjamin’s leg. Benjamin tried to kick Richard away, and he swung his leg back and forth, in a desperate attempt to fling Richard away. Vigorous as Benjamin was, Richard tightened his grip and held on to it for dear life. He couldn’t afford to let go. Regardless of whether I was shot, Richard seemed to heave a sigh of relief, as he knew this delay would have bought me enough time to run to safety.

Richard used Benjamin’s leg as a lift and pulled himself up, while at the same time tossing Benjamin down on to the floor. Richard staggered hurriedly, and planted his hands on the gun, a second right before Benjamin flew across the floor to grab the gun.

Benjamin watched his gun lie in the hands of a stranger who was ruining his plans of getting money. Benjamin fumed; his eyes could be imagined as a fiery red and smoke could be pictured whistling out of his ears. He leapt upon Richard and put his own hands around Richard’s neck.

Benjamin’s veins could be seen bulging out of his skin. The hatred and the anger that built up in him, seemed to be transferred to his two bare hands, his two bare hands which clung on so tightly to Richard’s neck.

Richard choked and gasped for air. He was weak. Blood was flowing out of him every second, his body weakened with every second. He tried to fight back but his attempts were futile.

The fight dragged on.

I could hear traces of their fight from downstairs. The slams and shoves, I could hear it all. I prayed for Richard’s safety softly in my heart. I hoped that he would be alright. I hoped that he would live so we could be together again. I hoped –

My silent prayers and wishes were broken off by what made me fear for the worst.

A gunshot.


Sorry if this is really horribly written ><

Ok so this is going to end really soon:/ 


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