5. Bugged

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Flint pulls open the passenger door of his mustang to let out his girl. Clara stands out of the car and shuts the door behind her. Flint's hand goes for her waist, gently pulling her close to him. His lips press against her forehead for a moment before handing her the keys to their home.

"I'll get the stuff in the back, go in and lay down, okay?"

A dazed Clara nods. It is late, about two in the morning. Flint had closed the bar with Najeem and Clara had slept on the couch in Flint's office until it was time to leave. She'd slept in the car, jolting awake every so often as the car went over a bump or came to a stop. Now, she is exhausted, the weight on her shoulders so heavy that she hunches as she walks to the front door.

She begins to walk over the koi pond bridge when she notices the door. Slightly opened when it should be shut and locked.

"Flint!" Clara calls out. Her voice is laced in panic causing the scottsman to drop the bags near the car and bolt across the gardened lawn.

His hands, like a reflex, go for her, wrapping around her protectively.

He looks at the door, its state causes him to stiffen.

"Go to the car, lock the doors and call Callum," Flint says sternly.

Clara hurries to the mustang, tossing the bags inside the car, shutting the door then climbing in the passenger seat. She locks the doors before pulling out her phone with shaky hands.

Flint's body was stiff, tall yet slightly curved as if ready to box. He uses his foot to open the already ajar door. Stepping inside cautiously, he flicks the light switch on.

Nothing seemed out of place, nothing seemed off. Going to the kitchen, Flint grabs a knife, skillfully gripping it and tucking it against his forearm to slash away. He makes his way to the east sitting room, again nothing is out of place. It is the same in the main sitting room, the dinning room, and living room.

Before checking the upstairs he hears tires come to a sharp halt in the street. His eyes move to the front door just as his heartrate picks up.


Flint runs like a bomb is just a few feet behind him, like he is running through the trenches of war.

The sound of multiple men drawing their guns toward him has him skid to a stop, dropping the knife.

"The devil must be in there if you're running away that fast," Callum jokes.

Callum stand at the back of his black escalade, opening the trunk. His men tuck their pistols back into their holsters under their armani suits.

"I heard a noise, I thought something was wrong-"

"Oh let me guess! Something was wrong with... Clara?" Callum teases.

"Yea," Flint replies annoyed.

Callum chuckles much to Flint's annoyance. Callum nods to his men before they begin searching the property, entering the house with determination.

"I want the house swept for bugs as well," Callum says to one man standing beside him. The man nods and turns away pulling out his phone to make a call.

"You were lucky, I was just around the corner," Callum says to Flint.

Flint squints at the man as if confused. "And what were you doing just around the corner?"

Flint hears his car door open and shut, Clara's light footsteps are the only sound he hears other than Callum's accented voice.

"On my way to see you. Carter told me about the incident at the mall, I thought I might check in," he explains.

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