!Special !Chapter! Special!

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Killua pov
*I want to confess to Asama*
I thought before Me and Asama hear a loud knock on the door it sounded fast and urgent Asama got up in a split second and rant towards the door and opens it.
My eyes follow her every movement
As she opened the door and relaxed seeing it was gon.
But something was wrong,very wrong,

We need to leave right NOW!!"

Asama asked gon worriedly

"What happened gon?!?" I asked
In a more fearful way

Gon screamed dropping to the floor on his knees.

Asama half said before fainting

"We need to get Asama to the hospital right now gon,go get alluka and follow me got it?"

I said picking Asama up as gon ran to to get alluka.

"It will be ok Asama,don't worry."
I say full of sadness.

*What if She doesn't make it?*
*What if She does lose her memory?*
*Possibly All of it*
I thought admiring Asama's angelic face as tears streamed down my cheeks.
*Ex assassins aren't supposed to cry*
I thought full of sadness again.
*It's almost unbearable to see
Asama in this stage*
Gon walked in fast almost nocking alluka over speeding in,
He too had tears once streamed down his innocent.
"This isn't fair,why did this have to happen!!!" I yell and slam my fist on the table crying again.
Gon lightly grabbed my shoulder and
"Killua it will be ok"
Gon said sadly.
"Gon.....why did thus have to happen?"
I question gon tearing up again.
"I don't know....i just don't know Killua" him replys in the same time of voice.
"Gon I need to talk to you in private.
I say to Gon my legs wobbling while I stand up.
"Ok" gon says
I led him to the restroom and close the door.
I look down and say
"Gon....I really liked Asama
And not in a friendship type way....
I wanted to confess but it was to late."
I say to Gon say stumbling on every word.
"How will I now gon please help me"
Gon said astonished.
But at that moment I heard a long high pitched humming sound and ran back into the room looking for the sound.
I spot the red flat line across Asama's
(Screen thing)
And yell for a docter

I break down as Asama whispers something almost inaudible.
"Killua.....I wanted to tell you...how I felt about you.....goodbye...killua"
I sob and sob as I'm forced out of the room by 5 other doctors and sat in a waiting room behind a large glass window facing her room.
I stay up all night waiting for Asama to wake up and come back.
She doesn't.
I don't eat anything still waiting.
"Killua you need sleep and food"
Gon says gripping my shoulder hard.
I don't look up I had my knees beside my head and my arms wrapped around them with my head in between.
"No gon" I say coldly
He leaves sighing.

January 12 2018
4 weeks after Asama went to the hospital.

Asama's eyes fluttered open and looked around before sitting up.
I hear a shift and look up seeing Asama stare at me I stare back in
"Asama!" I scream through the glass.
I run through the glass doors into the actual room she was in.
I hug her tightly but slowly take a step back and realize,
Asama doesn't have her memory.
"Do you remember me?,I'm killua" I say teary eyed.
"No I'm sorry where am I?" She asked
"Yorknew hospital" I reply
She turns her head and looks at me with curiosity
"Killua...Who Am I to you?" She asks seriously.
"Asama...You are my girlfriend" I reply again more teary eyed than before.
"Oh well since your my boyfriend cam we leave please?" She asks
"Yes we can leave let's go" I say joyfully lifting her off the bed and onto the cold floor.
I bend down and she hops on my back.
"Ready?" I ask
"Yup" she says joyfully
I blush and we leave.
I realize I lyed about Asama being my girlfriend and my heart sank.
*I still need to confess but how do I say anything?*
I open the door to our house and sit her on the couch and turn on the tv.
"Asama...I need to talk to you" I say
"Ok!" She says and hops up following me outside into an amazing area with trees cleared out in the shape of a circle surrounded by cheery blossom trees.
"Asama...You aren't my girlfriend"
She gasped in surprise and turned around.
"Wait! I wanted to say that....
I loved you at first sight and wanted to be with you since I saw you..
Will you be my girlfriend?"
I say hopefully
She turns around
"Yes killua I will be your girlfriend"
She replys holding my neck.
I snake one arm along her waist band the other on her neck.
I kissed back reluctantly.
I pulled back and we held hands together walking back go our house.
We walked in and she laid on her bed and I layed next to her and cuddled with her.
We ended up falling asleep.

Oh my......so yeah there's the special chapter
I hope you guys enjoyed it I really tryed making it juicy  and long I just didn't have a plan for it until i started the making of it and went with what came to mind.

So yeah bai bai readers!

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