Chapter 11:What the hell are you doing here?!

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*Steve drives you back to your house and you and your brother thank Steve and you guys walk inside*

Noah:Are you ok?


Noah:You are only 14 years old you shouldn't be going through this much stress when it comes to relationships.

You:I know I just really like him.

Noah:Then he should be able to get over what happened.

You:Ya....Well I'm gonna go up to my room now I just want to go lay down.

Noah:Ya that's ok did you need me to get you anything?

You:No I'm ok but thanks for offering.

Noah:No problem.

*You walk up to your room lay down and find a book to read a few hours later you hear your brother talking to Mike downstairs*

Noah:Oh hi Mike.

Mike:Hi is Aria here?

Noah:Ya but she's just laying down upstairs.

Mike:Can I please see her I really need to talk to her.

Noah:Ya I know she told me everything.

Mike:She did?


Mike:Well can I please see her then.

Noah:Fine you can go up to her room.

Mike:Thank you!

Noah:No problem.

*You hear Mike run up the stairs and he swings your door open*


You:Ever heard of something called knocking?

Mike:sorry I just really needed to talk to you.

You:You know that I didn't kiss Will he kissed me!

*Mike comes over and sits on the edge of your bed*

Mike:I know I understand that now I just was really shocked and angry when it first happened.

You:Ya I guess I can see your point but your right I should have pulled away but I was shocked I didn't expect that to happen.

Mike:Ya it's ok.

You:So are we good with each other now?

Mike.Ya. Also the rest of the party is hanging out later did you want to come?

You:Ya what are we doing?

Mike:Uh I don't really know we might go to the arcade or just hang out at my house.

You:Ok sounds good to me.
Mike:Well we have an hour so did you want to just hang out till then?

You:Ya I just need to get ready real quick I look like a mess!

Mike:You look perfect to me.

You:Thanks but I don't think that other people will think that.

*You go get ready and after about 30 minutes of you and Mike Hanging out you hear a knock at your bedroom room.

You:At least some people know what knocking is.

Mike:Ya ya so are you gonna answer it or not?

You:Oh ya come in.

Will:Hi Aria.

You:Hi Wi-

Mike:What the hell are you doing here!

Will:I just came to analogize to Aria.

Mike:No you need to get out of here right now!


Mike:I said leave!

You:Wait Mike calm down let Will talk.

Mike:No I don't want to hear him talk I want him to leave. I don't want him to ever be near you again!

You:Well that's not going to happen he's my friend and your my Boyfriend and your gonna have to live with that!

Mike:Well he kissed you and I'm not ok with that!
What do y'all think it going to happen next??? Anyways love y'all and thanks for reading💕

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