Chapter 15:Explain

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El:Aria...Aria....What happened what did you see?

*You look up at El with tears in your eyes*

You:Papa...he's back at the lab... and he has another one of us...our brother.

El:We need to find him and get him out of there.

You:W-we can't it may look like it's abandoned but he has doubled the security more cameras, motion sensors, trip wires...we can't make it in and out alive.

El:Well the rest of the party can help us but we will need Kali to help us.

You:How are we going to find her?

El:I have a picture of her and after that all we need to do is take a road trip to get her.

You:And how do we know she will help us.

El:Just trust me she would do anything to help us.

You:Ok well I guess we should go tell the rest of the party about our plans.

El:Are you going to be ok with Mike and Will?

You:I guess I'm just gonna have to deal with it. 

*You guys head back to El's bike and you guys Bike back to Mike's house hoping the rest of the party is still there. You get to the house not bothering to knock you run into the house and down to the basement*


Mike:How come you said Will's name before mine?

El:Just shut up!

Mike:Will went home anyways.

Max:You kicked him out actually.

You:Ugh I don't have time for this I'm gonna go get Will, El make sure you tell them everything by the time I get back
I will catch Will up on the way back.

Mike:No I don't want you with him alone.

You:Oh my god Mike can you not just trust me?

Mike:I can trust you not Will.

You:Geez fine Max come with me.

Max:Me? Oh ok coming!

*You and Max run out of the house get on your bikes and Bike to Will's*

Max:So what's this all about?

You:I will tell you when we get Will I only want to explain once.


*You arrive at Wills house and knock on the door a big smile spreads across his face*

Will:Hi Aria.

You:There's no time to talk we need to go.

Will:Go where? What? Please explain to me what's happening!

You:To Mike's and I will explain along the way.

Will:No way I am not going to Mike's, he doesn't want me there anyways.

You:To bad he knows your coming and neither of you can do anything about it.

Will:Fine I'm coming.

You:Yes you are.

*You,Will and Max get on your bike's and head to Mike's house*

Max:So what's the emergency?

Will:Ya how come you are rushing me back to Mike's house?

*You explain everything that happened from when you left Mike's house till now*

Will:So basically you need our help breaking into Hawkins Lab...

Max:And finding your brother.

You:Kinda but you guys aren't coming inside only me,El and Kali you guys are just helping out with the plan and everything before and after we get our brother.
I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while I was on a school camping trip. Oh and yes the pictures at the top do always somehow relate to the chapter. Anyways I will try and update more often. Love y'all💕

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