Chapter 16:Of to Pittsburgh

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*You guys arrive at Mike's house and run down to the basement*

El:So did you tell them everything.

You:Yup so now we need to make a plan.

Dustin:Sounds like a plan.

You:Oh wow Dustin.

El:Ok so how about you guys study the grounds of Hawkins and we and Aria will go and find Cali.

You:Ok but first you need to find her.


*You turn on the t.v. and give it a few kicks till it goes static El ties a blindfold around her eyes and sits down in front of the t.v.*

Max:We are right here if you need us.

*El sits there for a few minutes and then takes of her blindfold*


El:She is still in Pittsburgh so me and Aria are going to have to take a road trip.

You:Where are we getting a car from?...Or a driver?

El:We aren't getting a car we are taking the bus.

You:Uh El that's a long bus ride.

El:Well it worked for me before so it will have to work this time to.

You:Ok but won't my mom wonder where I am?

Max:Just tell her that you me and El are going to have a sleepover for the weekend.

You:Ok. Mike do you mind if I run upstairs and use the phone?

Mike:Go right ahead.

*You run up stairs and call your mom*

You:Hi mom!

Mom:Hi honey, how are you?

You:Good, I was wondering if it would be ok if me El and Max could have a weekend sleepover?

Mom:Sure just be safe.

You:Thank you so much mom love you bye!

*You hang up the phone and run back downstairs.

You:Let's go.

El:Ok bye every one.

*Everyone says bye and you and El walk to the bus station to start your journey to Pittsburgh*
There's gonna be about 5 more chapters!
Thanks for reading love y'all💕

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