Chapter 21:Blackout

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*You, El and Kali make your way over to the West side of
The building*
Kali: Jane are you able to open the door?
El: Ya stand back.
*You and Kali step back and El flings open the door using
Her talkiness powers*
El: Ok let's go.
Kali: El you where the here the last one here out of us do
You remember where the children's rooms are?
El: Ya we have to go down this hallway take two lefts then
A right and the rooms are on the left.
You: Ok let's go.
*You guys start walking down the hallway when you hear
Guards walking down the hallway towards you guys*
Kali: Guys in here!
*You guys all run into a room on your right*
You: Ew why does it smell so bad in here?
El: Uh guys...I think we are in the morgue.
Kali:and I think they where in the middle of looking at a
Body look at the table behind us.
*You and El turn around to the table behind you and you
See a body on a table .
You:...That's not our brother is it?
El: No it can't be he's too old.
Kali: Shhhh guys the guards are walking by.
*You get spooked a little by the realization that if the guards
See you, you would probably end up dead. You stumble
Backwards and land on something*
You: Guys!
EL: shhh!
*El looks back to see that you are propped up against the
The body on the table trying your hardest not to scream*
El:It's ok just stay calm.
Kali: Ok the guards are gone now let's go.
*You stand up shaking.
K-kali, E-el I think I'm having a panic attack.
Kali: It's ok to stay calm we are almost out of here then you
Will be home and safe with all of us and Mike.
You:...I..I can try.
*You stand up and El grabs your arm for comfort.
El: You've got this.
*You take a deep breath and continue down the hall.
*As you guys are coming down the hall you get to the rooms
Where your brother might be staying*
Kali:start checking in rooms for him!
*You guys all split up and start checking in rooms for your
You:I-in here.
*Kali and El run over to the room you are standing at and see
A boy around the age of 16 standing in the corner of the
Kali: Don't worry we aren't going to hurt you.
El: We are your sisters.
You: And we are here to rescue you.
*He hesitantly walks towards you guys*
El: What's your name?
???????: Matthew.
Kali: it's nice to meet you but now it's time to get out.
you: What.
Matthew:They are coming to check on me in 2 minutes hide
In the closet and once they leave my room then we can leave.
*You Kali and El all get in the closet and wait there for a few
Minutes until Matthew opens the closet for you guys to
Come out*
Matthew: Ok we can go now.
Kali: Great follow me.
*You guys start to walk out you still having a panic attack*
Matthew: Are you ok?
You: P-Panic attack.
Matthew: It's ok just take deep breaths.
You: Yea...Thank you.
El: We are almost out once we get out make a run to Mick's
Matthew: Who's Mick?
You: Kali's friend and our escape out of here.
Matthew: Ok.
You: Just follow me once we get out.
*You guys make it to the exit and start sprinting to the car*
*All of you guys jump in the car and Mick hits the gas
Driving faster than you thought was possible you guys got
To the forest and Mick parked behind a tree kinda deep
Into the forest*
You: E-EL.
El: Aria what's wrong?!
You: my panic attack is getting worse it-its getting harder to
El:It's ok let's get into the cabin then you can see Mike and
Then you can relax it will all be ok just take big deep breaths.
Matthew: I can bring her in.
El: Ok thank you!
*Matthew picks you up and El leads him running into the
Cabin with Mick and Kali following close behind*
El: Aria you're ok now everything is going to be ok!
El:She's having a panic attack!
You:Mike...I love you .
Mike:I love you too.
*You slowly fall to the ground having the world around you
Go black*
The End!
That was the longest chapter I've ever wrote and it's the last one sry for the cliffhanger but tbh I don't even knows what happens after that so use you imagination.Also I'm gonna start a new book soon and school ends in like 2 days but I'm not going to be able to write a lot cuz imma be up at my cottage with no Wifi anyways thanks you reading love y'all💕

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