Chapter 18:Road trip

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*El looks at you to start talking*

You: Jane I think it's better if you tell her.

*You giggle at the word Jane*

Kali: Whats so funny?

You: Jane.

Kali: Whats so funny about Jane.

El: She's used to calling me El, not Jane.

Kali: Anyways what did you want to tell me?

El: Oh ya.

*El tells Cali about your brother and you could tell that as El was telling Kali about this she was very shocked and Angry*

El: So will you help us?

Kali: yes so when are we gonna get going?


KALI: Oh ya El you guys can sleep where you slept last the time you were here I will see you guys in the morning.

You: Goodnight.

El: Goodnight.

Kali: Goodnight.

*You and El walk to a room and fall asleep on a bed and wake up the next morning*

El: Are you ready to go downstairs?

You: Yup let's go.

*You guys head downstairs and you see that everybody else is already waiting*

Kali:I have already told them the plan.

Axel: We are all ready to go.

You: Really thanks!

Dottie: No problem.

El: But remember you guys can't come in with us its to dangerous.
Fun-shine: We are in Dangerous Situations almost every day we can help!

You: No its too dangerous.

Kali: Its Fine let's just get going.

Dottie: Wait where are we going to stay well we are there?

El: You guys can stay in a cabin I used to stay in.

Axel: Sounds good to me.


You: Ok let's go.
Thanks for reading it actually means so much to me and comment celebrities that should play the main character in my next book the celebrities have to be a girl and they have to be between the ages 13-16 Love y'all 💕

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