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I wake up after having a nightmare. I don't remember much, but all I know is that I was crying because I woke to a tear going down my cheek. I looked over at the clock beside my bed. 2:58 a.m. I sit up. I'm still in my jeans and button up shirt I got with the guys. I then quickly change into a tee-shirt and sweatpants.
I try remembering how I got home, but it was all a blur.
I walk out to get a glass of water. I must have been a bit loud, cause I jump when Harry touches my shoulder. I woke him up.
Louis: sorry...
Harry: for what?
Louis: waking you..
I look up at him. The moon shines down on him, and his beautiful green eyes shine. I can't help but stare in awe.
Harry: no you didn't wake me. I had a nightmare.
Louis: oh.. so did I...
Harry: wow.. do you remember yours?
Louis: not really.. its all a blur... what about you?
Harry: I thought you fell off a boat into the ocean and drowned. I tried saving you, but it was too late...
I look into his eyes. I don't know what to do.
My hand starts moving.
Then I feel the warmth of his hand wrap around mine, as I grab his hand. It's hard to tell, but his face turns a light pink in the light.
We stare into each others eyes for awhile.
I don't know why, but I think I like him.
I think I like Harry.
I lean in and kiss him.
I quickly pull away.
I let go of his hand.
Louis: sorry...
Harry: what are you sorry for?
Louis: for what I just did...
Harry: no don't be sorry.
I look at him.
Louis: I bet you have a girlfriend.
Harry: no actually I don't...
I look at him in shock. He's so... perfect. I thought he would have one.
Louis: for real?
Why did I say that? Now I sound desperate.
Harry: for real.
He smiles. He smiles real big. I don't know why, but I frown. I normally smile when I see him smiling, but now I'm not sure.
I walk back to my room.
I close the door.
Now I'm just acting stubborn. I don't care. I just kissed a guy.
Harry: Louis??
I hear Harry call my name. His voice sounds a little upset.
Harry: Louis is everything ok???
He sounds concerned. I just sit on my bed. Eventually the door creeks open, as Harry walks in. He walks up to me. I don't look up. I'm too ashamed. I just ran off like a child. I ran away from him. Then his hand touches my shoulder. I look at his hand. I then grab his wrist and lightly pull off his hand. He then puts his hands in mine. I want to pull my hands back, but I don't.
Harry: your hands are cold...
He was right. They were freezing.
I look up. His eyes look deep into mine. I look away. He bends down on his knee. He takes one of his hands and puts it on my cheek. He slowly, yet lightly turns my head so I'm facing him.
Harry: Louis, is everything ok?
Louis: I don't know anymore...
Harry: tell me how you feel.
He then gets up and sits next to me. Still holding my hand.
Louis: well...
He starts rubbing my hand with his thumb.
Louis: I-i like you...
I look at him. He's looking down at our hands, but then looks up.
Harry: well guess what
Louis: what?
Harry: I like you too.
He smiles. This time I smile back . I don't know why, but I get all happy inside.
We then fall back on the bed.
Harry: so...
Louis: so...
Harry laughs.
The next thing I knew, we were out cold.

When Green Met Blue | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now