Only You

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Harry and I quickly grab our sandals and walk off to meet the guys. As we walk, I move my hand towards his. I intertwine my fingers with his. He doesn't let go or pull his hand away. Instead, he holds on to my hand. I can see him smile at the corner of my eye.
As we walk towards the small table Zayn, Liam, and Niall are sitting at, we both smile.
Liam: hey guys, what's up?
Harry: oh nothing much...
He sounds very mischievous and it's super cute.
Niall: haha
Louis: I might have asked Harry out...
Zayn: for real dude!
Louis: yeah.
Liam: wow! Congrats!
Niall: woohoo!
Harry is still smiling, but his face is red. I put my arm around his shoulders. It's a bit hard cause he's a few inches taller than me, but I manage.
The guys smile.
I turn my head. It's Eleanor. Again.
Louis: oh, uh, hey Eleanor.
Eleanor: I was wondering if you wanted to go on a hike later with my brother and I?
Louis: um.. can Harry come with?
Eleanor: why?
Harry: Louis it's fine.
Louis: because he's my boyfriend.
Eleanor: oh...
Niall: is it a bad time to ask if anyone wants a donut?
Liam shakes his head to Niall.
Eleanor: Louis, can I please talk to you? In private?
Louis: sure..
She grabs my wrist quickly and pulls me to a farther away table. I look back at my friends and they all have faces of disappointment. Then I look at Harry, but his back is turned to me, and his head is down. Zayn turns and pats his back lightly. I then look at Eleanor.
Eleanor: when did this happen??
Louis: what do you mean?
Eleanor: when did you and Harry start dating?
Louis: I asked him out earlier.
Eleanor: why?
Louis: because I like him... a lot.
Eleanor: well guess what. I like you. I like you a lot.
Louis: oh...
I sort of got the feeling she liked me, but I never really felt the same. I thought I did, but when I met Harry, things changed.
I look back at Harry. Right when I look, he turns his head to look at me. But when he realizes I'm looking at him, he quickly turns his head back. Then I look at Eleanor, and her facial expression changes. Was she glaring at Harry..?
Louis: is something wrong?
Eleanor: I thought we had a connection. Was that nothing to you?
Louis: yeah, maybe we had a connection, but I think we are better as friends.
Right when I say that, she quickly puts her hand on my cheek and kisses me. Her soft lips go against mine. I quickly pull away.
Louis: what the heck Eleanor!
Eleanor: just a little gift from me to you.
She walks off. I turn around. Liam looks ticked off. Harry is facing towards me, but has his arms crossed.
Zayn: dude what was that all about???
Louis: I had no control I swear.
Harry looks into my eyes. It looks as though he was crying. I quickly run up to him and wrap my arms around his neck. I don't let go.
He eventually wraps his arms around my waist.
Louis: I'm so sorry... I just hope you know, that I only like Eleanor as a friend...
I whisper into Harry's ear.
Harry: it's ok...
He whispers back.

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