Part 1

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~~Samantha P.O.V~~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off to start me off on my new day. I got up and stretched my bones and walked to my enormous bathroom, I did all of the things to get me going.

"Samantha darling"

"Yes dad," I said coming out of my bathroom.

"Could you come down here please"

I sighed and walked downstairs.


"Uh we are moving today. Again"

"But dad we-"

"No, no, shush"

I closed my mouth holding myself back from any more words.

"We are moving only one more time and I promise we will stay in the same place"

"Dad what about England you know you always loved it here"

"Yes yes I know," he said looking down and away from my gaze.

"Dad" I called with a voice full of concern.

"It's okay, I mean I'm okay"

"Alright well I am going to be getting my stuff together"

I walked up the stairs back to my room and shut my door before flopping onto my bed and sighing heavily.

"This sucks"

~~Adrien P.O.V~~

I woke up and started my day by putting on my clothes and brushing my teeth. Today was my birthday.

"Happy birthday Adrien," Plagg said happily, turning to look at him I was met with a peice of Camembert wrapped in a ribbon.

"Ew Plagg get that piece of Camembert out of my face," I said pinching my nose and crunching my face at the disgusting smell, with this Plagg devoured the peice of cheese.

Exiting my room I went downstairs where I ate my warm breakfast in silence.

"Your schedule Adrien," I heard the sound of Nathalie's voice at my side as she handed me my schedule.

"Thanks, Natalie," I replied as I grabbed it from her hand ," Hey uh did my Father get back to you about my birthday party," I asked as she turned to leave the room.

"Well uhm he doesn't it would be a good idea," she said turning around to face me.

"Of course not," I said looking back at the schedule I was given.

"Happy birthday Adrien," she says just before leaving me alone to my thoughts about school and my birthday that was probably not going to be interesting.

~~Samantha P.O.V~~

I looked around my room checking if I was missing anything looking at my earbuds and my iPod I decided I would leave those out for later.

"Sam darling time for your photo shoot" dad yelled up the stairs.

"Okay I'm coming"

My dad owns The Valamaria now because something happened to mother, The Valamaria is a fashion company and mother was the owner of it until she mysteriously left. I was actually happy that she left because she could be a stone cold bitch sometimes. I think she knew this and that is the reason she left me and dad behind, for all I care she is probably out with another guy screwing them, she probably even had more children by now, eh I'm not surprised.

~~About a day or two later~~

We finally have landed! I hopped out of the plane and stretched my aching bones hearing strains and cracks, i then smiled up at dad who had now stood next to me. We walked together to the airport, as we walked through the airport we were met with lots of paparazzi snapping pictures of us dad just kept his gaze forward as we walked to our limousine.

When we finally got there we flopped into the car and huffed. I looked through the window at the beautiful place known as Paris.

"Hey dad," I asked as I looked from him over to Jock our driver and bodyguard.

I looked into the rearview mirror to see that dad was sleeping I sighed and sat back in my seat.

"What is the matter little miss," Jock asked looking into the rearview mirror at me.

"Nothing Jock everything is simply alright," I said looking back at him with a simple nod.

"Alrighty then," he said now turning back to the road.

I looked out the window to see someone running up behind an old woman, he swooped by grabbing her purse. I looked at Jock and saw him looking at the road, opening the door I jumped out of the car and ran after the man very fast dodging everyone that got in my way.

Once I had caught up to him I hopped on his back and as he tried to get me off of him he ran into a wall and fell out cold.

"Watch where your going next time," I said as I started to run back to the lady with her bag.

When I had gotten back to her, her old eyes widened.

"Why, thank you, little darling, for bringing me back my purse, I don't know what I would have done without it," she says smiling at me.

"It's no problem, really he wasn't hard to catch at all," I said smiling at her.
"Well thank you, but I really must be going my father is waiting for me"

"Goodbye dear"I hear her yell as I run back to the car.

"What did you leave the car for Miss," Jock asked looking at me.

"Oh, there was a man that had stolen a lady's purse so i had to get it back."

"Oh beginning to become more like your father now are you" he raised an eyebrow with that question as well as a smirk spreading across his face.

"Nope just saving an old lady, not saving sentry old paintings," I said now looking outside.

~~1 hour later~~

I heard dad start to snore after a while, and groaned.

"How much longer," i asked looking at Jock.

"About a minute," he said turning a corner.

I sighed in relief as we started to pull up to a very big mansion. I smirked and pulled dad's seat back making him fall backward, therefore making him dart out of his sleep following a snorting sound.
"Huh, where is it," he said looking around.

I bust out laughing and he looked at me and glared which made me laugh even harder.

"Darling you know that is very impolite," he said looking at me with a pouty face on.

"I.... know.... dad," I said gasping for air between each word.

"Alright let's get you inside so we can unpack," he said trying to fix his now messed up hair.

I just snickered and got out of the car while taking my stuff inside. When I had gotten to my room I sat on my bed, I sat there for a while before noticing a brown box on my end-table. I picked it up and studied it, I then opened it to see a bright light, I shielded my eyes as it began to die down. Removing my arm from over my face I was met with a black fox-like creature, I squealed and fell over my bed with a large thud.

"Hello I'm Vivi"

"Who are- what are you," i asked looking at the mysterious creature with curiosity.

"Im a fennic fox, and my names Vivi"

The Luck that They Bring ~ Chat Noir/Adrien AgresteDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora