Part 6

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Me and Adrien walked across the fountain together as the photographer took the photos. I giggled when he almost fell and I caught him, only to hear another click when I had caught him. I helped him stand and I turned away blushing as did he.

~~Marinette P.O.V~~

"Come on, we'll just stroll over there realy cool as if we just happen to be passing by"

"Then what"

"Then I'll invite him for a smoothie after the shoot, then we'll get married and live in a beautiful house, have kids, a dog, maybe a cat... no forget the cat. A hamster, I love hamsters"

"Hey hey girl hold that thought look who he's with"

I heard giggling and turned around to see Samantha with Adrien giggling and wait... BLUSHING. I boiled with anger but just calmed myself down just remembering that they had a photo shoot together.

~~Samantha P.O.V~~

"Magnifico, super. I want to see hunger in your eyes"

We posed as wanted, until I heard a fimiliar voice two to be exact. I brushed it off and continued to look at the camera.

"Bravo that's it. Gimme ze smile of when mama brings spaghetti. Okay, now... mama dropped ze spaghetti. Now, eat ze spaghetti off ze floor. Yes, your angry, show me angry... Yes, yes"

I hear screaming from my place I look over to see a little girl yelling at Marinette.


He yelled the girl still pulling on her, I crossed my legs and placed my hands on my lap waiting patiently for the photographer to return. Once he did we continued posing.

"No, no Ze boy haz eaten too much spaghetti, we needz more energy more... romance"

I looked at Adrien his red face still facing forwards. "I thought we already had enough romance" I thought before my eyes widened.

"Wait so you want us to kiss Mister Photographer" I asked my accent sticking out like a sore thumb.

"Of course I do little darling" he said booping me on the nose.

I looked at Adrien to read his expression only to see Adrien with an even more redder face than before, I thought his face might explode, I thought about the action he was asking me to make and I looked up at him to see a very pleading face.

"Oh why not"

"Yes now ze picture will be perfect" he said now jumping around.

I Then looked back at Adrien who was now looking at me with a small smile and rubbing his neck. We then stood up and got into the 'perfect position' as the photographer said and our lips intertwined. I could feel explosions of emotions as he deepened the kiss.

~~Marrinette P.O.V~~

I then looked and saw something that turned my stomach upside down. I saw Adrien and Samantha kissing, they even seemed like they enjoyed it. I growled in anger but calmed myself quickly. I took deep breaths in and out as i saw Alya look over to them.

"Well maybe it's just for their shoot"

I thought about what she had just said and brushed off their kiss like it was dust on a table.

"Yeah It is only for the shoot, I am not worried"

"Yeah you should go over there"

"Marinette take me on the mary-go-round please"

I looked down to see a adorable face staring up at me.

"Oh Manon not the babydoll eyes"


"Okay sur-"

"No you go see Adrien I will take this little Angel on the mary-go-round"

I opened my mouth to protest but was hushed, Alya pointed to the oposite direction and I went. Once I had turned around I heard screams, I quickly turned back around to see a girl in the air, and she was right above the mary-go-round. She then sent a beam of ice down, creating an Icy dome around it. I ran to cover where no one could see me.

"Alright Tikki time to transform. Tikki spots on"

~~Samantha P.O.V~~

I looked over to the ruckus and saw a girl in the air just before she froze the mary-go-round. I gasped at the sight.

"Samantha come follow me"

I was pulled by Adrien and put in a hiding space, as he ran off on his own. I raised an eyebrow befor Vivi flew out of her hiding spot, I smirked and stood up.

"Vivi All ears" My suit appeared and I jumped onto a platform and hopped through the streets searching for the mysterious girl.

Then I saw Cat noir being thrown, I caught him using my whip just before he could fall. I helped him up and he kissed my hand.

"Thank you my lovely renarde"

"You are very welcome my Kitty"

"You never told me you spoke french darling" he said swinging his belt.

"Oh i speak lots of languages Kitty"

He then stopped swinging his belt and looked down in complete thought.

~~Adrien/ Cat noir P.O.V~~

I looked down in complete thought trying to remember exactly where those words had come from, Then it came to me she had the same voice, same accent, same hair color and length, same height, and same charming thing she does. The head tilt.

I shot my head up not believing what i had just summed together, Fennica Is Samantha Mortdecai.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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