Chapter 1

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      Peering eyes of countless dumbstruck fangirls fight their way to see through the tinted, cloudy windows of a restaurant in downtown Los Angeles. Even with my back to them I knew their faces were pressed against the glass, their eyes wide like that of children in a candy shop as they tried to catch any sort of movement from the four boys seated at the table with me. The sound of knuckles hitting glass and a few faint cries of their names mix in my ears; I force my food away from me, no longer hungry. Michael jumps, startled as the glass plates hit each other forcefully.

"Well, damn Hadley," he jokes; I shoot him a look. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just annoyed," I answer. "How did they even find you guys? We left from the back of the house, and we came into the back of the restaurant. I don't understand."

"They can find us anywhere, to be honest," Luke says; I direct my attention towards the boy across from me just as he lifts his hand to wave at what had to be the multitude of fans now gathering at the window behind Michael and myself. No doubt the people here had already told people on twitter and their friends; before long we wouldn't be able to get out of the restaurant without security. 

"You're only making it worse, Luke!" I groan.

"You know, you have been on tour with us for months now, you think you would be somewhat used to the screaming fans," Michael nudges my knee with his beneath the table.

"I just want dinner with my friends without hearing hundreds of girls screaming their names while I'm trying to eat," I prod back at him, earning a smile; true, I had been on tour with them for almost a year now, but never would I get used to the screaming and the crying and not to mention the weird things they did for them. To think this all started with just playing outside on the streets, in parks, and to crowds of no more than a couple hundred people was incredible and now to have shows sold out in not only Australia, but in America in minutes was something I was extremely proud of them for. There was nothing more I wanted then to see them live out their dreams and make music; I just didn't care for all the screaming.

Michael's knee nudges mine again; I glance over at him, seeing his green eyes slanted in my direction, the most lopsided smirk on his face. I nudge his knee back, continuing back and forth till I'm laughing uncontrollably, covering my face with both hands. 

"There's that smile I lov--I mean, we all love," he clears his throat, coughing into his hand. He reaches out, pulling his strawberry shake towards him and taking a sip from the red straw. In one swift movement I take my own straw and dip it into his shake, making a silly face as the sweet, creamy mixture touches my tongue. "Hadley, what the FUCK?!" He tries pulling the shake away and I manage one more drink before he's cowering over it like a protective father over his child. I manage a laugh, but it come out as a snort. "Mine!" 

"Oh for god's sake, Mikey," I lean across the table trying to pull the shake back towards myself.


"Stop flirting, we're in public, my god," Calum gags.

My cheeks heat up, and I shrink back into my chair, "Shut up, we're not flirting."

"Yes you are," Luke chimes in.

"Shut up," Michael snaps. "You guys always do this shit, we're good friends, leave us alone." His words stung; I had always been closer to Michael than the rest of the boys. Maybe it was because I always slept a lot and ended up being one of the last ones awake as well as himself, or maybe it was just because our personalities fit so well together, who knew? But when the teasing came out about our back and forth banter, my mood would flip entirely and I was back to being quiet and secluded in my own little space no matter if I was with them or not. 

"Aw, c'mon Michael, we're just messing with you guys, don't take it so personal," Ashton urges; always trying to be the nicest he can be. I'd never met anyone sweeter, really. "Hadley, hey." He waves at me, and I look up from my folded arms across my chest at his big, dimpled smile. I fight the urge to smile myself. "Smile for us." I shake my head. 

"When can we go back to the house?"

"After you smile," he giggles and I bite my lower lip. "Hadley, dammit smile." 

"I hate you, Ashton," I say, flipping him off but smiling nonetheless.

"YES," he laughs. "But for real, how do you get Michael to share his food, he never shares with us. Spill your secrets."

"I don't have a secret, he just shares...." I trail off, looking at him. His dark hair hides his eyes, his head propped on his hand to keep from looking at me. "Mikey?"

"Hmm?" he looks up.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Hadley," he grins; I knew it was a lie the second he said it. "Wanna go play some video games?" 

"Sure," I agree. It takes a moment for everyone to be standing, ready to go. The five of us trail out the back, screaming fans still heard from the front of the building and once we're all settled inside a big SUV, multitudes of fans are pouring around the edge of the building. Even though we're safely inside the vehicle, my hands slip around Michael's arm and I tuck myself against his side, resting my chin on his shoulder. Green eyes meet mine for a moment and he smiles.

"You okay?" he asks rather low, not enough for the boys to hear over their yelling and I nod. 

"Yeah, Mikey, I'm fine." But it was a lie.

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