Present - Part 2

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Another day at this glorriioouuss  job, I sat with my hands at my jaw until I saw a customer came in I dragged my notepad off the counter to go take the customers order who was sitting by the window. As I approached I got ready to give the Oscar winning smile

"Good morning may I take your order." Smiling so hard my cheeks felt like they were about to burst any minute.

"May I have a pancake with......"

His words became faded from what I saw outside the window, his reflection glared at me like a mirror. His watch was so blinding when the sun hit and that car was like a longggg black strong Di.....

"Um miss? Miss! Miss??" The customer called.

"Are you ok?"

"Uhhh yea pancake and?"

"Pancake a toast and egg Sunnyside up"

"Ok coming right up" I smiled as I walked away and pinned the order.



The sun wasn't playing today. I turned back and made sure the alarm was on, the sun was beaming on my new ice like a shiny crystal or some shit. Making my way to the diner I could see it had only one customer which was accurate for the mornings. I stepped in but I didn't see any waitress nor waiter so I tapped the bell a few ten million times.

"I was using the restroooomm" some chick called out.

"Yea make sure you wash em hands fuck you mean bruh"

"Maybe if I didn't your food might taste better" she said coming from around the back. Damn she was about 5'3 tanned with curly brown hair , nice figure really nice and brown beautiful eyes.

"Where your waitress or waitor at?" I asked acting like her beauty didn't phase me.

"Standing in front of you, may I take your order? " she asked with a smile so fake yet so real. Mayne I don't know how to describe it.

"You ain't dressed like no waitress but Yea lemme get a black coffee no creme but a lil foam on top. "

"How does a waitress dress? Like the help?? She asked knitting her eyebrows

"But coming right up" she said smiling.

"Well nah but at least a uniform or sumn"

"U right I where uniform weekdays but today's Friday so I dress however."

"Aight by the way what's your name baby girl?"

"Faith, Faith-Ann"

"That's beautiful got a story behind that name?" I questioned.

"Yea well my mom had problems conceiving a child and finally I came she said it was faith that brought her through because she kept believing."

She spoke with so much passion in her voice talking about faith its like she's telling another story through her mothers' and it hurts.

"Your mom is blessed to have you."

"Yea she was, after she had me she died on the delivery table, like she had completed her purpose on earth. You know? Its just my dad and I now."

"I'm sorry."

"Its ok at least she saw me...that's what my dad said."

She poured out more coffee for me and I ushered her to get a cup for herself. Something about her was so mesmerizing that drew me into her.

"What's yours?"

"Taylor.....Taylor Mercedes."

You mean Mercedes car company owner and manufacturer? Wait!! You mean Mercedes from up the block?? I knew this nigga looked familiar!"

I was mad for some reason, I was beyond pissed I didn't know she knew me. I hate when people reminded me of my past I thank god for it because i couldnt be where i am at without it but I didn't want to live it or be reminded of it over again.

"Yea how u know me?" I asked clutching ma jaws together.

"You lived with your father few houses from me until you disappeared one day, i didnt work here at that time though. You hung with rick and jaylo, Jaylo was my step brother before he passed away few years ago but i guess you know that Right?"

"Wow i didnt even know he had a step sister,So how comes i never seen you before shawty?"

I knew her stepbrother and he was my right hand man. I can't let her know what really happened to him she would hate me before she even got to know me, coming down here was a big threat already and she's the best thing that happened since the week started. I'll tell her eventually hope she forgives me.

"Sometimes its best to keep on the low. Plus I was mostly living with my dad uptown I just visited here a few times." She said.

"Maybe somethings aren't meant to happen before the time."

She smiled and took a sip on her coffee, I looked on my watch and saw that it was after 9 didn't even realise we were talking so long, it's been awhile since I've had a deep conversation or a conversation so long.

"I gotta go forgot I had a meeting." I got up quickly and left a $50 note on the counter.

"It doesn't cost that much."

"Keep the change beautiful."


I headed towards the door but spun around. "Hey what you doing tonight? Its Friday "

"I'm going to dance class on 31st street the dance studio not far from here."

"Kool, later."

I left out before she could ask what I meant by later.


Thanks for reading so far guys, excuse all mistakes. I know this chapter wasn't as long but its just the start guys, please leave comments so I know y'all feedback, Vote! Vote! Vote!!

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