Chapter 1

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hey new readers :)

i know this first chapter is pretty boring and poorly written (i wrote this bit when i was merely 14) but i promise you it gets much better as you read on.

Chapter 1


Harrys POV


Lights. So many lights. Everythings such a blur.

I don't even know why I'm here ... why'd I agree to come to this stupid club? Oh yea, that's right, Louis. Apparently Lou wanted to go out clubbing, but after what happened last time, Liam said Mr. Drunk Drunkerson here couldn't go out by himself ... So here I am.

I sighed, glancing down at the beer in my hand, completely untouched. I guess I'm just not in a partying mood. I set the bottle down and walked up to the dance floor, running my hand through my curls, my eyes searching for a certain Doncaster boy. It's nearly impossible to see anything with these damn strobe lights. And where could he have gone to? Louis was JUST with me and we've only been here about half an hour.

I sauntered around for a bit, then I saw him. He was flirting with some blonde, dancing a little to dirty. Did he forget that he has a perfectly lovely girlfriend, Eleanor? I marched up to him and tugged on his arm a bit.

"Damn Lou, you know better," I mumbled in his ear, trying not to hurt the poor girls feelings.

"Know better to what Haz? I was just dancing with Nikki here," Louis slurred, smiling down at the girl. I scrunched my nose at the smell of alcohol on his breath.

"Louis... no. C'mon, we're leaving. Now," I growled lowly. He just rolled his eyes, but let me drag him away from blonde - erm ... Nikki. He shouted goodbye to the girl just as I pulled him out of the way to over populated club.

As we were heading to his car, which I am definitely driving home tonight, Louis stopped and sat right in the middle of the road. Really Lou, what the hell are you doing.

"I'm not going back home, Haz," Lou said matter-of-factly. "You can't make me."

"Lou, get off the fucking ground... You're going to get hit by a car," I warned, but he didn't respond. Instead he sat there, pulling his knees up to his chin.

"I'm gonna leave you here if you don't get up, and don't you think I'm lying ... if I show up home without you, Liam will kill you (and me..)" I said, leaving out the last bit, raising my voice from irritation. Why does Lou have to do this? I hate being harsh to him.

"I don't care," Louis stated. God, I hate drunk Louis... now I get why Liam said he couldn't come here alone. I went to turn around and march away when I saw car come out of nowhere, heading straight towards Lou.

Lou just sat and stared, like a deer in headlights... ironic right? Harry... HELP HIM, I thought to myself. I ran the short distance and pushed him out of the way, the car skimming my jeans. I felt the wind from the car hit me in the face. The car didn't even stop, it just kept flying down the road. What the fuck?

I glanced over to Louis... who had a blank expression on his face while I'm sure my face was full of shock, confusion and anger. Why did he just sit there, was he MENTAL?!

"I almost got hit by a car..," Lou mumbled to himself, "And Harry saved me" Then he smiled looking over to me. Just then I felt strong arms around my waist. "Thank you Haz" He mumbled against my chest.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed in his scent. "I'm just glad you're ok..." Then he tightened his grip a little. "Lou, not so hard... Lou... I can't... BREATHE!" I joked, but said sternly. He quickly dropped his arms and muttered a 'sorry' while he let his eyes settle on the ground.

"Are you alright?" I asked seriously after I managed to get my breath back. He nodded slightly, but the drunken smile dropped from his face. Then he started off towards the car. I jogged up to him and turned him around to face me.

"Louis..." He was still looking down at his feet. "Hey..." I put my finger under his chin and forced him to look at me. "Lou, don't ever do that again, alright? Don't ever scare me like that again..." I said with concern. Then a slight grin spread across his face as he whispered, "Never."

I hugged the boy tightly and opened the passenger door for him. "Now, get in... please?" I asked hopefully. Louis (hard to believe he's nearly 21) obediently got in his seat. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and shut the door.

I got in and drove him home, completely unaware of what the night had to give me.





This is my first time ever writing a story, so be easy on meeee :)

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