Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Harry's POV

As I walked down the stairs of mine and Louis' flat, I heard voices and a really delightful smell coming from the kitchen.  I put a fake smile on my face and I trotted my way into kitchen.  When I entered I saw Liam cooking something over the stove, and Zayn, Louis and Niall sitting at the table, deep in conversation; they all shut up after I entered.  Haha, not obvious at all guys.

"So ... what were all you guys talking about?"  I questioned, pointing to all the guilty looking people.  They all mumbled something like 'Nothing' and looked everywhere but my face.  I rolled my eyes and dropped it, knowing that they weren't going to tell me.

I skipped over to Liam and glanced over his shoulder, trying to decipher what he was cooking.  "YOU'RE COOKING FRENCH TOAST!? LI, I LOVE YOU!" I screamed, making him jump like 5 feet in the air, along with everyone else.

"Erm, yea Haz, I'm making French Toast." He said, eyeing me suspiciously.  I fist pumped and grinned like a 3 year old.  I love me some French Toast.  I giggled and ran over to the table, sitting down next to Zayn.  He looked over at me and smiled.

"Harry .. you alright mate?" He asked, sounding amused.

"Me, yea. I'm fiiiine.." I giggled out. I didn't know what was wrong with me... but I couldn't stop being giddy.

"Haha, umm Haz?  You high or something?" An angelic voice asked.  I looked over at the Doncaster boy and just smiled, taking in his figure.  He wasn't wear a top.. holy shit... I couldn't look away.  Why was it such a big deal to me? As I was mentally slapping myself, I reluctantly tore my gaze away from him abdomen.  His chestnut colored hair swooped down, covering part of his eyes.. his flawless blue eyes.  Then, his once smug expression turned into a somewhat worried one. "Harry...?"  Crap, I'm not talking ... and I'm checking him out... he probably thinks I'm crazy.

"Y-yea?" I stammered.  God, why am I so nervous, it's just Lou.

"You sure you're fine?  You seem... I dunno, weird.." He said, looking a bit concerned.

"Yea, I-I'm perfect. J-just perfect... excuse m-me."  I got up and jogged out of the kitchen to the bathroom and slammed the bathroom door closed, locking it. 

I slid my back down against the door, butt hitting the floor.  My hands entangled themselves into my hair, as I pulled slightly at my curls.  I curled myself up into a fetal position and let myself think.  Why am I so nervous?  Why am I noticing when Lou's shirt is off, why do I care?  Why do I stare?  Why is he suddenly perfect?  Oh that's right... because of the stupid bloody dream. 

I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down.  I got up off the ground and made my way to the sink.  I turned it on and threw water over my face.  I'm not thinking straight ..

I dried off my face and strolled out of the bathroom, back into the kitchen.

Everyone was sitting and eating breakfast, so I joined them.  I ate, not speaking a word to anyone.  The lads talked normally, about tours, management, normal things.  I got glances from all of them, Niall giving me a 'we'll talk later' look... but Lou, he was staring.  I just kept looking down at my food, and when I was done, I went up to my room and locked it.  I didn't feel like talking to anyone.


Niall's POV

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