Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Harrys's POV

After Niall left, I layed on my bed, letting my thoughts overwhelm my head, trying to decipher my feelings .. if you could even call them that.  All of this is just... it's confusing.  I mean, what if I do have feelings for Louis?  What would that mean?  Is it possible that I could be... that I could be gay?  I tried shaking that thought out of my head. 

What if the dream was just a dream, just my subconscious making up some meaningless thing.  I'm probably just over-thinking this.  I shook my head, knowing that I'm lying to myself; I'm sad to admit that I probably am feeling something different for Lou.  I mean, Louis' my best mate, I live with him for God's sake.  And if I do like him, how would he take it if I told him?  He even has a girlfriend.  Gosh, I'm horrible.  Even if I told him, he'd never act the same around me... he'd be disgusted of me.  I'm disgusted of me.

The sad thing about this whole thing is that ... this isn't even the first time I've felt different about Louis.  Back when we were all still on the X Factor, I'm almost positive I had a crush on the Doncaster boy, I just didn't know it.  I mean, I felt all tingly inside whenever he smiled, or whenever we touched.  He would just enter the room and I would instantly feel joy, and when we were close I could hear my heart beating 10x faster.  Wow, I sounded like such a little school girl.  But I thought those feelings went away, that I tucked them away, and that they'd never return.  Now I'm starting to think that maybe I was wrong.

I let out a sigh and ran my fingers through my curls for about the hundredth time today.  I still have no idea what to do about my 'maybe feelings.'  Could I possibly act on it?  Test my feelings for him somehow?  That way, maybe I could figure all this out.  But what would I do?  Kiss him?  God no, he'd flip shit... but that thought does appeal to me... UGH.  Why am I thinking like this?

I got up off my bed and started pacing back and forth across my room.  I was trying to think of a way I could test my feelings.  I failed as I couldn't think of anything, so I just decided I would let it play out... let my feelings, or whatever, disappear, and hopefully not get any stronger.  Jest let whatever happens, happen.  I mean, maybe I just have a crush on him, and it'll just go away.  I smiled at the thought, and felt a little more at ease. 

This is just a crush, it'll go away.


Louis' POV

I watched as Niall strutted back into the kitchen and went straight for the fridge.  Typical Niall.  Then I saw him pinch Liam's butt, causing the brown-eyed boy to blush and thwak Niall on the back of his head.  Niall just laughed and opened the fridge.  I stifled a laugh at the sight of them and walked over towards Liam.

"So .. you and Niall, eh?" I joked, raising my eyebrows, making Liam's face heat up even more.

"Shut up."  I laughed and plopped myself down on top of the counter.

"Li, I'm bored." I stated, pouting my lip a bit.

He just rolled his eyes and said, "Lou, if you're bored, do something."  Uhgg, he says it like he's talking to a small child.

"But LEEEEEEEEEYUUUUMMMMMMM, I don't know what to do." I whined, making Liam sigh and put his hands on my shoulders, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Then, go find something to do ... it's not that hard Lou."  I could tell he was annoyed, but I didn't really care.

"Like what?  There's nothing to do around here."  This time Liam face-palmed, groaning into his hand.

"Lou... seriously?  There's EVERYTHING to do here... but if you're so bored, go pester Harry or something."  I pondered the idea and smiled.  He was right, Haz is fun.  Plus, I still need to thank him again for not letting me get ran over by a car and dying; he really saved my ass.

I patted Liam on the head, grinning.  "Good idea LiLi."  He rolled his eyes at me, again, and actually stomped away from me.  Well someone's in a grumpy mood...

I made my way up the stairs to Harry's room and stopped in front of his door.  I went to knock, but before I could the door swung open and Harry ran into me, causing him to fall over ontop of me.

My heart instantly sped up.  I like the way Harry looks on top of me.  Wait, WHAT!?  What did I just think?  Oh God.  I could feel my face heat up.  I bit my lip and looked up at the boy to see that his face was flushed as well, and he looked flustered. 

"Well Haz, don't be so forward.." I teased, trying to hide my own nervousness, causing him to turn a deeper shade of red... if that's even possible.  Why is he so nervous?  He usually teases me back with something cocky.

"I... um .... I uh ..... sorry."  Harry stammered.  Then he got up off of me suddenly, practically running back down the stairs. 

Huh, weird.  I wonder what's gotten into him?  And why was he blushing?  I mean I was, but that's not the point.  Ever since this morning he's been all jumpy and awkward ... Moody even, like he's on his man period or something.

I got up and brushed myself off.  I started thinking about this morning, he was acting awfully strange then too.  Is it because he saved me?  He doesn't need to be embarrassed about that, heck if I were him I'd be bragging.  So it's probably not that ..

Then, why's Harry acting so strange?  And why am I suddenly seeing Harry as... as something different?



Sorry if this chapter was boring... and short ... I'm not a brilliant writer. /:

Tell me what you think? c:

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Thank you for reading.

-Vee :) xx

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