Little Monster

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Roman was bored out of his mind. There was nothing interesting at these club events. With the season over, all he wanted to do was get on the first plane and head down to Ibiza to wind down. However, there was the mandatory party every year and no one could skip it. The only problem was that there were no single women at these events, only the girlfriends and wives of the teammates.

He was sipping his whiskey with his back against the wall, his eyes wandering around the small gathering. The waitresses were either too young or too starstruck for him to even consider doing anything with them. He didn't want to ruin someone's idea of how nice football players were, especially that he knew some guys who were indeed on the goody two shoes side of things. He didn't belong to them though.

Roman liked his freedom, he enjoyed company who could understand that. He wasn't looking for a wife or even a girlfriend, just someone who he could have some fun with for a night without complications. He wouldn't find that person at this party though, he thought but then his gaze stopped on one of the waitress.

She pushed the kitchen door open with her hips as she walked out with a tray of champaign. That girl stood out from the others like a torch in the night. She just didn't look as tidy as the rest of them. Her brown hair was put on the top of her head in a messy bun, she wore heavy, dark makeup, red lipstick but what really caught his attention were the shoes. Every waitress wore black flats except for her, she had red heels on and he sucked his bottomlip between his teeth as he watched her.

It wasn't even the makeup or the shoes that kept his attention though, it was the way she held herself, the way she walked around in her uniform like she owned the place, like she was above all of them. There was something in her, he couldn't put his finger on it, what it was but something that gripped him on a basic level and called for his instincts and Roman has never been the one to deny his gutts. His cock hardened in his pants and he drank up his shot with a flick of his wrist. He was going to tap that one, with that thought he pushed away from the wall and started towards her.

"We're so lucky to get a job like this!" One of the waitresses beamed with excitement and Elena rolled her eyes. What was so lucky about working for a bunch off wannabe rich assholes? She's seen so many of this type, she wouldn't have enough fingers on her feet and hands to count them. Guys who weren't all that good looking or were attractive but lacked the presense, either way, used money to show how above everyone they were while they were pretty useless without their wealth.

"They're just big kids with a lot of money," she snorted with a grimace on her face and the girl's eyes widened. "Believe me, not worth the fuss."

"But... they are so dreamy and hot and..."

"And I'm yet to see one who could keep me entertained," she cut her off as her eyes roamed over the small crowd.

"I could keep you entertained," a deep voice said from behind her, sending shivers over her arms and spine and she turned around. She wasn't a short woman but even she had to lift her head to make eyecontact with him. Their gaze locked for a moment and her heart skipped a beat but she ignored it, there was no place for heart matters in her life, only fun she chose. He wore a smug expression, the smirk spread over his face almost seemed forced but only almost. Her eyes moved from his face over his body, and she licked her lips unconciously as her gaze wandered over the thick arms covered in tattoos. Her eyes stopped at his bulge for a moment and she mirrored his expression.

"If I had an Euro after everytime a man said that to me, I'd be a billionaire," she said when her gaze returned to his before she grabbed the tray from the counter and headed back to the kitchen for more champagne.

She could feel his eyes on her as she moved amongst the guests. Her skin tingled under his penetrating gaze and she could feel wetness gathering between her thighs. Usually, she took her jobs seriously, she might have jumped from one to the other but it was her choice, not her employers. However, this time she just couldn't shake the feeling off that she had to have him. There was something in him that called for her and if there was an itch, she was not going to hold back, she was going to scratch it.

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