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It was a frenzy, a riot over her cells, over her body, shaking her to the very core. His strong woodsy scent filled her nostrils, his hand fitted perfectly around her slender neck, his body crashed so hard against her she had no place to go to but to him. Elena was lost again, her senses overloaded with lust and something way deeper, something only Roman had access to.

His hands bruised, his hands marked, his lips broke the promise she'd made. Too much and not enough. She wanted it all and none of it. Divided between the undeniable, all consuming need for him and her broken heart.

She couldn't think straight anymore. Her mind was clouded as his lips crashed hard against hers. She groaned into his mouth, her nails sunk deeper into his hand, deep enough to draw blood and a low growl rumbled through his body. Roman didn't let up though, she could nearly taste his desperation as his tongue slipped into her mouth and fought for dominance. His fingers wrapped tighter around her throat, keeping her in place, giving her no chance to escape this time.

When she'd accepted Colin's invitation, Elena'd had no idea the team would be present as well. She'd done everything she could to avoid Roman since the day she'd left. The first thing she'd done had been throwing her phone away to avoid temptation to answer his calls or messages. She's avoided all her usual spots and told nothing to Cece about her whereabouts. She needed distance from him, she needed to force herself to let go and for that she'd been willing to take drastic actions.

That morning something had broken in her, she couldn't take it anymore, it was too much, she felt too much, so much she'd felt like her body couldn't contain her pain, her feelings, it'd been more than she could cope with, more than her heart could deal with.

His hand slipped from her throat down to her chest, kneaded her breasts through the thin fabric of her dress and she arched to his palm. Her nipples pulled into tight beads and she bit her bottomlip to hold in a moan. Her juices caught the inside of her thighs, clear evidence of the unwavering power her had over her.

"Fuck, I missed this," he growled as he pushed the skirt of her dress aside at the thigh hight slit and his fingers brushed over her soaked panties. "Fucking walking away without a word." He gripped the hem of her panties and tore it off her. A gasp escaped from her lips with the tear of the fabric, the air licking over her drenched middle. Goosebumps travelled over her arms, and across her body, a shiver racing over her spine.

"You made me walk away, Roman." His stubble brushed against her soft cheek as he quickly opened his zipper. His cock fell against her thigh, he pulled her leg around his waist and thrusted into her with a swift move. Her eyes widened as he stretched her, a muffled groan ripped through her.

She'd vowed herself that day that she'd never look back, that she'd use all her energy to get rid of him, to banish him even from her thoughts. However, as soon as her gaze had found him in the ballroom, the heat was there, overpowering her rational thoughts, overtaking every promise she'd made herself. There was no fighting him, or her need for him. He dug himself so deep into her heart, there was a giant hole in her chest now.

"No, you wanted to walk away, whore," he groaned with a shake of his head as he thrusted into her with punishing strength and she whimpered, her eyes rolling back in her head. She was clutching his shoulders, holding onto him for dear life as her thighs shook forcefully. "You just wanted to leave me behind because it was easier." Her belly tightened, her eyes widened for a moment as she felt something that she hadn't since she'd walked out of his door.

She wanted to reply, say anything, lash back but she was overwhelmed, her heart beat in her ears so loud, all the background noises disappeared from the ballroom. She panted heavily, felt and heard nothing but Roman overtaking her again.

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