Bloody Creature Poster Girl

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Roman was watching the morning sport news on tv with a bowl of cerials in his hands while Elena sat at the kitchen island, her legs swang back and forth on the tall stool as she read the latest news and Instagram updates on the tablet. She chewed on the side of her thumb, her thoughts wandered off into a direction they didn't talk about since forever; marriage. Roman said he'd had no intention to tie the knots but would it really hurt that much?

"What's on your mind? I can hear you thinking, it's annoying," he told her without even glancing her way and she rolled her eyes.

"You do realize it is not possible to hear anyone thinking, right?" She sighed and crossed her legs, held her chin in her palm. "But I was actually thinking."

"Lord help us." He exhaled exaggarated as he placed his bowl on the table and stood up, stretched his arms above his head, his muscles moving mesmerizingly in his body, the bird on his chest looking like it was about to fly away.

"Are you going to tell me what is it that bothers you this time or I'll have to figure it out?" He smirked at her, fully aware of the strength of distraction his actions caused. He walked up to her, and leant against the counter, his thighs brushing her knees, arms crossed as he watched her close.

"I wanna get married," she shrugged and took a sip of her juice. She could feel him staring at her and looked up at him. His mouth was set into a straight line, the bottom of his neck turned bright red, the colour slowly moving up to his cheeks.

"We've already talked about this, Elena. We don't need the paper," he said with a hard voice that sent a shiver over her spine.

"What if I do?" She raised her head like a stubborn child and glared at him. This was important for her, and whilst she'd let it go last time when they'd talked about it, she had no intention to do it again. He took a deep breath and grabbed her jaws tight, leant over her, his mouth a breath away from hers.

"Watch my mouth. No," he breathed against her lips and she pulled out of his hold, sucked her bottomlip to between her teeth so she wouldn't start screaming. They could talk like normal people, and she was going to prove it.

"Would it really hurt you just to do something I want once in a while?" Her voice wavered slightly, her hands tightened into fists and she could feel blood rushing into her cheeks. Apparently Roman wasn't the only one who got worked up easily.

"You're more delusional than I thought," he scoffed, grabbed her by the waist to turn her around on the chair and stepped between her legs. "We do everything you want, all the time." His fingers teasingly ran over her thighs, left a path of tingles behind, goosebumps appeared on her skin and she inhaled deeply.

"Like what?" She moved to push his hands away, only to get his fingers dig into her flesh deep and she hissed quietly. He raised his gaze to meet hers, his deep chocolate brown eyes darkened nearly to the point of being black and she raised her hands in surrender, put them behind her back. He nodded approvingly before his hands started to make the same paths all over again, tormented her with the deliberate moves.

"We went to the club," he replied after about a minute, his index finger played over the line between her thighs and pussy and she shivered lightly.

"Half year ago." She rolled her eyes, her fingers gripped the edge of the stool as he leant over her and placed soft kisses over her jawline. Her muscles strained slightly and she could feel her juices soaking through her panties. He got it way too easy with her.

"That dude wanted to fuck you," he growled in a low voice and she smiled. Roman let her have her freedom, she could be herself, flirt all she wanted but some things such as other men touching her were way beyond his comfort zone. His palm pressed against her middle and both of them moaned softly as his fingers slipped over her wetness.

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