Ever After

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"Urgh, welcome home, Roman!" Elena grunted as he collapsed on her in the bed. All those muscles she loved so much now seemed like unnecessary extra weight that was going to either make her throw up or die.

"Uhuh," he mumbled incoherently into the covers. They were on pre-season and only got home now after a 12 hours long flight that clearly exhausted him enough to become one of the living dead.

"I thought you'd only get back in the afternoon?" She lifted her hips to try and push his heavy head off her butt somehow but he was being difficult and wrapped his arms around her waist through the blanket.

"Here, I just want to cuddle my wifey and all I get is that she hoped I wouldn't be home for another 12 hours," he complained with an exaggerated sigh and she chuckled.

"Ah, well, it's a little bit inconvenient. Now I have to call my other guy that our date needs to be postponed." His fingers dug into her hips enough to lure a soft hiss out of her as he raised his head to look at her.

"Tell your other guy, I'll do everything to him that he'd do to you," he growled, his eyes darkened as he playfully smacked her buttocks through the blanket.

"If you are so much into him, we may as well have a threesome. No need to always result to violence." She grinned at him over her shoulder. His eyes were bloodshot, his features soft though, exhaustion lent him an almost boyish look.

"Elena," he growled deep in his throat, his eyes blazing despite of the fact he knew she was just kidding. Truth was Elena had her hands full with him more than enough, definitely enough to not have thoughts of any other man.

"Roman," she mocked him with lowering her voice and pulling a straight face that mirrored his. She'd never get tired of teasing him, or annoying him as he preferred to put it; there was just too much fun in getting him worked up. He narrowed his eyes at her and she batted her lashes innocently.

"Unbelievable," Roman murmured with his head dropping back to her butt and she laughed out.

"Fine, come on, bubu, let me give you a nice welcome home kiss." She pulled herself out from under him with a smirk resting around the corner of her lips.

"If you call me bubu one more time, I'm going to gag you with your panties," he threatened with a shake of his head, and a grimace running across his face.

"Come on, you wanted wifey to be nice to you," she purred as she crawled closer to him with a wicked smile on her face.

"Go away, Poison Ivy, your mouth is not coming anywhere near me before you washed your teeth." He pulled the blanket over his head, and she laughed so full heartedly, her body shook with it.

"Marriage made you soft." She poked him in the side playfully as she stumbled out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

"I'll show you just how soft it made me once you don't stink, girl," Roman called after her and she felt her body tingle. It took less than 15 minutes for her to run through her shower, wash her hair and teeth in the meantime. She was needy and craving, hadn't gotten any for over 2 weeks. Married life was damn difficult, she laughed at the thought as she pulled an oversized t-shirt over her body and walked back into the bedroom.

Elena chuckled quietly when her eyes landed on Roman, spread across the bed on his stomach, butt naked, passed out completely. She was tempted to wake him up, to just run her fingers over those perfectly carved broad shoulders, bite his ass to get his attention, just tease him with her fingernails until he came around. However, with that cute boyish little smile around his lips, he was too adorable to disturb and she could wait just a little more.

With a soft smile around her lips she reached into the drawer next to the bed and grabbed a blanket. She nudged him, first lightly then a little more violently when he didn't want to move. Elena was aware, she could even punch him, Roman wouldn't wake up, she had tested the theory one time when she was angry with him.

Once he was not taking up the entire king sized bed, she laid the blanket over him and placed a soft kiss to his cheek.

Roman woke with a start, nearly rolled off the bed in his haze. Elena cursed so loud and dirty, even his heavy sleeping habits couldn't ignore her. He growled and threw a pillow in her direction. That woman just couldn't keep her mouth shut even if her life depended on it.

"Oh, you are awake," she commented as she stuffed a handful of Cheetos into her mouth. How she maintained her weight with all the junk food she ate was beyond Roman; sometimes he thought she was using black magic. Her leg was laid over his, his fingers lightly played over her soft skin, tiny goosebumps appeared under his touch.

"Would be difficult to sleep with you trying to wake the dead by screaming like a sailor," he grunted and pulled himself up against the headboard, rubbed his face while he rested his free hand on her thigh. "You are watching... What is this you are watching?" He stared at the screen but didn't recognize the film. It looked like some kind of fairy tail. For someone as hard around the edges as her, she did love her romance more than one would think or she would like to admit.

"Ever After," she replied before she cursed some more. Roman moved his gaze back to her face, and chuckled lightly. Her cheeks were flushed, she leant a bit forward as she concentrated on the film, and commented every little thing that happened. He always complained how much he hated watching anything with her because she kept talking through everything, had an opinion about the smallest details and she did not have any intention to keep those thoughts to herself. However, the truth was even this annoying habit of hers had grown on him over time and now, when he was having movie evenings with his friends or team mates, he found them boring.

"You have Cheetos on the sheets," he commented with a heavy sigh. When Elena'd finally agreed to move in, they'd had enormous arguments about having a TV in the bedroom. She was the worst with snacking during films and he didn't like the idea of sleeping in pieces of popcorn.

But of course, as always, she'd gotten her way in the end, promising she wouldn't eat in the bed. She'd hold her promise for a while and sat on the floor what Roman had found hilarious but of course, as time had passed by, she'd ended up in the bed with her snacks, chocolates, candies and even her dinner. What was it with that woman that made him break his own rules all the time?

"You threw a pillow at me, Roman. What did you expect to happen?" She asked with a smug little smile as she picked a piece of orange snack from the top of the sheets.

"I ask myself that everyday," he groaned with a stifled laugh and picked a piece from the sheets as well. He pushed her, provoked her, fought her, and she reacted, in a way that could not be denied, not be overlooked, in a way that gripped him, in a way that left no chance for him but to embrace the madness they brought into each other's lives.

"Am I missing a double meaning here?" She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes, curiosity sparkled in her gaze.

"The only thing you are missing is the entire film with all your usual nonsense chattering." He waved at her dismissively.

"I knew there was a reason I missed you," she mumbled with a roll of her eyes. "Always so kind to me."

"I treat you the way you like being treated. I consider that kind." He chuckled that lead her to throw a piece of Cheetos at him and put her tongue out. "Mature argument, Elena." He laughed with a shake of his head. "So what's the film about?"

"Cinderella kicking ass," she said with so much pride in her voice, it got a laugh out of him again.

"Your kind of film then," he replied as he laid back and stretched his arms above his head lazily, his eyes rested on her. If anyone ever told him, he'd find a woman who was not only enough for him but sometimes even made him feel overwhelmed, he'd have laughed into their face.

But the truth was, Elena was the woman who always kept him on the edge, someone who never let him get comfortable and definitely not bored, she was everything and more than what he could ask for.

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