Let Her Go

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Roman came around slowly, his arms spread to his left, searching, reaching for her until he realized that she wasn't there, or in the bathroom, or in the kitchen or out on the yard wrapped up in an embarassingly big blanket in the freezing cold with her face flushed, her hair blowing around her head like a messed up crown. Elena was not there. It'd taken him days before he'd stopped wandering around the house, looking for her in his half asleep state. Now he only had to process in the first few minutes that she was gone.

He turned on his back and rubbed his face. Her absence stung more than it should have. He'd missed waking up to her squeeling about some stupid news or bad joke she saw on the net, missed waking up to her cursing loud and ugly like a demon possessed her, missed having arguments about breakfast and about the general amount of the size of her meals, or how healthy she ate. He missed that he didn't have to wait hours for her to get out of the bathroom because she always picked from the three the exact one that he also wanted to use.

He missed barely stepping into the house and having her pounce him and fucking the hell out of him. He missed the game nights, that she couldn't lose and ended up calling him a cheater all the time and every game resulted in angry sex. He missed choking on her hair while he spooned her slim frame in his sleep.

He should have seen the signs that she'd been about to walk for good but he'd been way too busy with trying not to choke her that morning. He'd been so god damn pissed, he'd missed the look on her face, the cold edge in her voice.

"What the hell is this?" Roman asked angrily when Elena appeared from the bedroom. She looked as fuckable as always, wearing only his away jersey. Of course, his cock reacted to the sight immediately but in that moment, not even the need to fuck the living hell out of her could distract him from what he'd just found out.

He sat on the couch, the morning news quietly murmured in the background as he held his tablet in his hands. Happy fucking new year. What the hell did she even think? She rubbed her eyes lazily, a frown appeared between her brows as she just stared at him for a moment.

"It's early morning so my vision is blured and the angle isn't perfect..." She started slowly like he had some kind of mental deficit. "...but from here, it looks like a tablet, Roman." She finished with an exaggarated sigh before she turned her back to him and walked into the kitchen.

"Don't fuck with me now, Elena." He growled, stood up, clutching the device in his hand and stomped after her but stopped a feet away. He wasn't going to touch her because in that moment, he couldn't trust himself. "What were you even thinking?" His voice raised and he dropped the tablet in front of her with their picture from a supposedly private night out on the front page of Bild. He recognized the god damn photo, she'd taken it. "Is this some kind of pity revenge because I called you a nobody?" Her gaze moved to the object next to her hand, her jaws ticked. Did she think he wouldn't find out? They were the top fucking news on the biggest tabloid's site.

"Yes, that's me, pity revenge, if you check urban dictionary, I'll be amongst the examples." She said with a cold tone and went on making the coffee like nothing had happened.

"Don't be fucking smart now." He pointed at her angrily. They agreed they wouldn't go public because they had no idea what the hell was going on between them. Ignore the fact he didn't fuck anybody since he was with her, they weren't even exclusive officially. This put him under the spotlight and not in a way he liked it. "Maybe I was right, maybe you are fucking nobody, just an attention seeking stupid little whore." He watched her flinch by his words and regretted immediately saying it but it was too late to take it back, and she must have known what he'd be thinking of her leaking their story to the press. He still couldn't believe she'd done it. And he'd thought he'd finally figured her out, that he could trust her.

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