Chapter 4: A new friend and head ache

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Elsa's POV

I could  not stop worrying about my poor friends, who I still haven't heard from since Punzie's little note both me and Mer got. And that was 2 weeks ago. I wonder how the boys are doing, and I wonder if their families are okay. Well, Jack doesn't have a family, not even siblings. His dad had died because of the man who must not be named, and his mother died minutes after giving birth to him. He lives with his uncle, Nicholas North and Jack doesn't see much of him, since he's always on trips all around the world. That's a very tragic story indeed, but now when I think about it... Maybe his uncle just wasn't home on september the first, and that's why he couldn't make it to the train! At least I hope that's the case. 

I was laying in my bed, in the sixth year girls dormitry. I was actually alone in there, no one else had gotten to bed yet. Everyone was busy having fun with their friends. 

The whole day had been horrible. I haven't been able to talk to Merida, because quidditch training had just started, Ethan hadn't noticed my existence and worst of all must be that Anna, is now ignoring me completly. All she does is snog her so called boyfriend - Hans - , who's a 7th year - I think - and she's in third year! That's making me sick! How can she be so naíve? And sooner or later, that git Hans will rip her heart out and step on it. 

"Hello?" I jumped, completely startled of someone being in here and probably talking to me. 

"Yes..? Who's there?" I asked this new girl, who's voice I couldn't quite recognize. She had quite long, blonde hair, pale skin and tired eyes. Her voice was kind of dreamy and she was quite short. Wait, she's in the same year as I am but we never talked...

"I'm Luna, Luna Lovegood. You are Elsa Arendelle, aren't you?" She asked and walked away from the doorway to me. I sat up so we could talk properly. She seemed very nice. 

"Yes, yes I am." she smiled a tired smile, she looked so damaged, and it seemed like she had a old soul inside of her young body. 

After that, we started talking about everything and for some reason I let out to her. I told her everything from my parents death to my friends who's been missing. It just felt as if I really could trust her. And she told me about her mother and how she had died during an experiment, and her father who runs the Quibbler. 

I think I just made a friend. 


I woke up, got dressed and headed down to the common room. I saw Luna sitting by herself in a brown armchair, reading something in the Quibbler. 

"Good morning Luna. Wanna go get breakfast before the whole school wakes?" I asked her. 

"That sounds nice." she said dreamy behind the paper. She put the Quibbler down on a small table next to the armchair and got up. 

We walked and talked all the way to the Great Hall. Like always, almost no one was there yet. The Slytherin table was empty, some first year Griffindore's along with some Weasley's I think (they all have ginger hair so it's quite easy to recognize them and I don't think I will ever forget when Merida was in love with one of the Weasley twins who was in their 7th year then), some Hufflepuff's and only 3 second year Ravenclaw's (A/N you see in this story Harry Potter never existed but Hermione and the Weasley's does. The Dark Lord, Pitch Black, disappeared because Nicholas North -Jack's uncle- defeated him. At least he thought he did. So no Harry Potter!). Me and Luna sat down and started eating on some bacon and eggs. The day went by normally until lunch. Me and Luna sat together again and ate. 

Time went by and I got a sudden head ache. At least I think it was  a head ache. It hurt awfully bad and I barely could sit up straight because of the horrible pain. 

"Elsa, are you alright?" Luna asked with her kind yet dreamy voice. "Maybe the nargles are trying to get inside you're head."

"I'm fine, I think... And what the heck is a nargle, Luna?" I answered really confused. I tried to rub my temples, but the head ache did not give away even a bit.

"Oh, they're small invisible creatures-" but Luna never got to finish her explaination about nargles, she was cut off by professor McGonagall shouting: "MISS ARENDELLE!" my head ache got a billions times worse. 

"Yes, professor?" I said trying not to sound like I am in pain. She looked urgent and very stressed.

"Me and the head master need to talk you immidetly. Is miss Dunbroch finished her class yet?" she asked and I shook my head no. "Very well then... Oh hello, miss Lovegood..." 

"Hello professor." Luna simply smiled.

"But, professor... hurbology starts soon." I said quietly.

"I'll make sure professor Sprout will know that you are not going to be precent." I guess, I don't have much of a choice. Specially since everyone in the Hall are starring at me. 

"Okay then..." 

"Good, come with me now!" she turned on her heel and started walking fast out of the Hall. It was quite hard to keep up with her. 

When we reached the ugly looking statue (the only way to get into the head masters office) McGonagall said:"Lotus Vertoris."  and a moving staircase appeared. Basically like the muggles escalaters. We stepped up on the stairs and got up to the big wooden door. McGonagall opened it and walked inside the room. And there he sat with his half moon formed glasses and long white hair and beard. Albus Dumbledore. One of his hands looked dead and it really freaked me out. 

"Ah, Minerva! I'm glad you found them. Or well, at least one of them." he looked up at McGonagall and then looked at me. "So Elsa, don't be shy. Take seat. We have something to discuss." I sat down and McGonagall left the room to inform Sprout that I won't be coming to hurbology. 

"What do we have to discuss, professor?" I managed to say. My head ache still hurting my head real bad.

"You're friends, Rapunzel Corona, Jack Frost and Hiccup Haddock." 


God this chapter got quite long didn't'it? 

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