Chapter 6: Three sad stories

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Elsa's POV

It is finally the day, the day Jack and Hiccup comes back to Hogwarts. These past weeks has gone by quite fast, and me, Punzie and Mer have been writing to Hic and Jack every weekend. Tonight, after dinner, we are all going to the room of Requirement so we can talk without anyone bothering us. Luna has been getting along with Rapunzel quite well but I think Punzie is a little bit jealous of me befriending Luna, since she still calls her Loony Lovegood when she is not around. Which is really childish of her...

Rapunzel, Merida and I are walking to Hogsmeade's little station to meet up with Jack and Hiccup when they get off the train. And unfortunalty, we was not the only ones thinking about meeting them up.

Isles, Malfoy and of course my sister (who's clinging on Isles) was already standing there, obviously waiting for Jack. Since they are his 'Slytherin friends'.

Me and the girls stood as far away from them as possible.

"Well, well, well... Isn't it; little Punz-Punz, the crazy ginger and little miss Perfect?" Hans started of with. Merida grunted, Punzie gave him a death glare and I rolled my eyes at the lame nicknames he has given us. "Well, you know Arendelle, Malfoy fancies you. He has been watching your every step these past few weeks..." He let out a evil chuckle and looked directly at me. What did he mean by; Malfoy fancies me? He can't! I'm a Ravenclaw, and a halfblood!

"Shut it, Isles. You don't know what your talking about. Merlin, would I fancy a half blood Ravenclaw? Thickhead." Malfoy answered but he got a little hint of red on his pale cheeks, and looked away. If Isles' words are true: then I am utterly confused and flattered actually. And I must say, Draco is quite handsome...

"Oh, easy! Don't be so-" Hans was interupted.

"I said: Shut it!" Malfoy spat and the a train started coming closer to us.

"Malfoy seems to have gotten his knickers into a twist..." Hans said quietly, obviously only wanting Anna to hear, but we all did and you could hear a 'pfft' coming from Malfoy. Anna giggled lightly at Hans comment and reached for his lips. I could have vomited right there if it wasn't for the fact that the train had finally gotten here. Pathetic, that is what she is. She has been so naíve and thickheaded since he got together with Hans. Ugh.

I frowned at the sight before me; my little sister having a tougue war with Hans bloody Isles.

"Hey, girls!" Hiccup's voice interupted my thoughts. He walked this way, looking at the Slytherin's and my sister with disgust. Well, I don't blame him.

Hiccup walked in a kind of wierd way as if one of his legs wasn't completly fine but I shooked it off.

He hugged us all and asked about Rapunzel's hair. "I'll tell you later in the room of Requirement." She whispered and he nodded.

"Nice bun, Mer. How did you managed to handle all of that hair?" He smirked at Merida and she scoffed and crossed her arms, without answering.

And then, Jack walked out of the train.

Jack's POV

I walked out of the train and saw her. Yeah, she was the first witch I saw.


Oh, how I missed her. I missed all of them of course but, her the most. I have been in love with her since third year, but I never told her. But this year, that is gonna change.

"Frost." Draco Malfoy's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I didn't even notice that he was here.. And he wasn't alone. Hans Isles was here too; snogging some poor girl.

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