Chapter 9: The unexpected attack

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Rapunzel's POV

Walking down the corridors on the last day of school. Merida will be leaving for her family tomorrow morning and me, Elsa, Jack and Hiccup are staying. I have always loved Christmas at Hogwarts... Hagrid had already taken in all the 12 christmas tree's into the Great Hall everything's wonderful. 


A loud booming sound was echoing through the halls. What was happening?


Another was heard and people started screaming. We were all on our way to the Great Hall for the feast but this does not sound good. 

I started running, as fast as I could. The Great Hall was not very far away and I ran past so many people who were panicking. 

"Rapunzel! Have you missed mother?" A cruel female voice yelled from behind me. I truned on my heels and saw that black, furry hair and terrifying eyes. She looked more evil than ever and her usually blood red dress was replaced by a black gown alot like the one the woman beside her was wearing. They looked awfully alike.

"Oh, no... Not you! How did you even get in here?!" I shouted at her, hlding on to my wand tightly. 

"Mother always-" I cut her off midsentence. 

"You are not my mother!" I yelled and it felt like I was going to vomit. 

"Oh, you are right my dear, and now,.. Say hello to Auntie Bella!"Gothel laughed coldly, and gestured for the woman beside her. She looked wicked and insane really. 

"So you are the little filth my sister have taken care of all these years, huh? You should be glad she actually gave you a chance in life and adopted you." She looked at me with disgust written all over her face. 

"What do you m-mean?" My voice cracked and Gothel and I guess Auntie Bella came closer to me.

"Gothel found you in the forest with your mugglefilth parents and discovered your hairs powers so when at night you as the little muggle raised shild you were had disappeared into the woods and your parents couldn't find you. And Gothel decided to take care of you for her own sake. You should be a little bit more respectful to her and me!" She took out her wand, ready to hex me at any moment. I was compeltly stunned.

"And the you turned out ot be a witch, a little filthy mudblood witch who just had to go to Hogwarts." Gothel continued. "And now, I hav e no other choice but to kill you since you disobeyed my orders and worst of all... mudblood... that you didn't do what the Dark Lord wanted."

She raised her wand when all of a sudden some Griffindor boy said: "Is that Bellatrix Lestrange?" 

That was Bellatrix Lestrange? I had reallyy no idea. 

"Stupid boy..." Bellatrix said and sighed. "Crucio!

The boy got down on knees and moaned in pain. He started screaming and I decided to run before to much damaged was done. 

I ran and ran and ran, until I finally got to the Great Hall people were panicking and screaming all around me and I just needed to find my friends. 

Suddenly, a voice whispered all around the school. A dark voice. It said: "I will leave Hogwarts untouched, I will leave Hogwarts with my followers but... This is just a taste of what I can do."


Elsa's POV

Running up and running down stairs... Where is she?

I was searching for Anna. The Death Eaters and the Dark Lord had left hours ago but of course everyone was still in shock. All students was supposed to be in the Great Hall, eating and calming down but I had to find Anna first... Where could she be?

Hiccup's POV

I sat in the Great Hall, trying to focus on eating but I just couldn't. 

"Silence everyone! Tonight something horrible have happend and that is Pitch Black and his followers have attacked this school. We have lost some of are friends and classmates, so everyone who has a home and a family must be going home tomorrow morning. No exceptions. You see, war has started. And thisschool will be incredibly secure when you return, if you do so, and I can promise you that. So now, off to bed! All of you!" Dumbledore stopped talking and everyone started getting up from our seats. 

"That was cheerful..." I heard Weasley say to Merida on their way out of here. 

"Yeah..." Was all she said. I seriously think she has something with that Weasly bloke... And I don't like it... I really like Merida, she is beautiful, and her hair is so full of life and she's so... Perfect. 

I walked behind her and and Ron but I don't think they have noticed. 

"Well, are you going home tomorrow?" Ron asked. 

"Are ye askin' me if ay have any family left? Well, ay do n' why are ye askin' anyway?" She replyed, looking up at him. 

"I-I just wondered..." 

"Ye are quite a strange lad, ye know that, right?"

"Haha, Mer... That really come from the right mouth." He smirked and she punched him on the arm. 

"Oh ye wee devil! Do not call me Mer, I don't like you!" But she said it with a smile. Sigh... Better stop stalking them and get to Hufflepuff's common room. 

Jack's POV

I was helping Elsa finding her sister Anna and it was not going very good. 

"Anna!" She shouted again. 

"You know, Elsa... Most of the Slytherin's was gone after the attack. Probably being with their Death Eater parents. What if Anna followed with Hans?" I suggested, and she suddenly stopped dead in her tracks. 

"I never realized that... that could actually happen. Oh Merlin! What is going on in this school? This is all so crazy, what are we gonna do?"

"We have to find her and save her. We don't have another choice! You have learned how to apparate much earlier than all the others because of our brilliant head master so we can take us to places in a really easy way. We get to London tomorrow and we start are search there. We will nead as many as we people as we can so we bring some of our good friends: Merida, Hiccup and Rapunzel. None of them have a family to go home to.. Exect for Merida but it's all gonna be alright!" I tried to make her calm down and hugged her tightly. Merlin, I hope everything will be alright. 

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