Chapter 12: A birthday suprise

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Author's Note:

So thank you for all pf these new character's but I won't be able to get all new characters in this chapter but, all of them will be in the story!

Elsa's POV

I woke up and fluttered my eyes open slowly. The sun was shining into my room from the window. 

It's my birthday. Today I'm 17 and I can finally do magic outside of school! I thought and let out a slight squel. Then I remembered that Anna won't be with me. Not even my grandparents. At least they know about the fact that I'm staying here and they probably think I will be here until next term starts.  Me and the others are leaving today for our great mission to save Anna. The Weasley boys hadn't been allowed to go because their mother told them not to. Well, that was of course only the case for Ron but Fred and George thought that maybe they should let us do this ourselfs. Okay, thta is not true... We forced them into leaving this to us actually. 

I got up and got dressed in jeans, a grey sweater and boots. When I walking down the stairs I met Hiccup and he said Happy Birthday to me and a pat on the back. 

In the great dining room everyone sat eating. Then they noticed we had walked in they stood up and said: "Happy Brirthday Elsa!"

"Thank you, really much." I said and smiled warmly. 

"We have a wee chocolate cake prepared just for ye, dear." Mrs Dunbroch said kindly and smiled. "Merida told me ye were going to ye grandparents later so we celebrate you after breakfast." 

"Oh, okay then.." I mumbled, looking at Merida who obviously have lied to her mother. 

After eating egg, toast, pancakes and bacon, a house elf walked into the room with a delicate chocolate cake on a silver plate. 

"Thank you, Salie." The house elf placed the cake on the giant table and the triplets ran into the room with no warning. Salie (the house elf of course) apparated herself away after bowing down infront of mrs Dunbroch.  "Boys, behave yeselfs!" 

The blokes settled and we all started eating the wonderful cake. It tasted just as good as I looked. 

All of a sudden the small voice of a house elf was heard in the diningroom. The bigeyed Salie was back in the room. 

"Exuse Salie, but two young witches and a young wizard is begging to see miss Arendelle. They told Salie they were family." 

"What? But, I don't have any family left exept for my granparents and Anna..." I said, in very confused tone. "Can I see them, Salie?" I asked her and she nodded her little head. The sheet she used as a dress was in a grey color, it had probably been white when the house elf first put it on, I thought.

"Of course you can, Elsa. Go with her." Mrs Dunbroch told me, putting words into Salie's mouth. Salie nodded and reached for  my hand. I took it gently and she showed me to the frontdoors. And in the doorway, three people who looked quite similiar to me and Anna. There was a boy who looked like he was at the age 14 or 15. He had dark brown hair and eletric blue eyes. He was wearing a dark blue jacket,  black army trousers and boots. A girl was standing next to him and she looked to be around my age. She had platinum blonde hair that faded into blue, her eyes was blue but there was a hint of red. She was wearing a white dress, a grey coat, knee high socks and high black heels. Then the last girl, who looked like she was in her early twenties,  stood behind the other two. She had dark hair with a bright green highlight and deep blue eyes. She was wearing a black skirt, a grey cardigan, flats and a purple cloak ontop of it all. Behind all three, snow flew around them which made it all look like a Christmas postcard. 

"Hi, Elsa." The woman in her early twenties said in a silky voice. 

"Who are you?" I didn't bother the rudeness of not saying 'hello' back, I just wanted to get straight to the point. 

"We are your family. Well, not exactly. I am your cousin, Elaine. These two are quite alot closer relatives than what I am. They are in a matter of fact, your siblings. Wonder why you never seen them before? Because your parents couldn't have four children all at once. They decided to let my mother, your mother's sister, to take care of these two. Specially since they have some, well... Abilities." The woman answered, or should I call her Elaine perhaps? Probably. 

"I barely know if I can handle this.. Salie, you are exused." I mumbled to the house elf. She walke off and I was alone with the three. 

"I'm Faith, 19 years old. I can control water if I want." The blonde told me. I nodded, with my mouth slightly open. She's an elemental...

"I'm Eric, 15 years old. I can read peoples minds, and I have lighting powers." He is one too... 

"How's that even possible? How could you be elemental's? We don't have any of that blood in us, do we?" I asked, gesturing to them.

"It can happen to anyone, Elsa. And by the way, happy birthday." Elaine handed me a little package from inside her cloak, 

"T-thanks.." I stuttered out. I was so confused, and happy... yet I'm feeling sad because Anna is not here to see them... Angry because my parents never told me about them, not even my grandparents. 

"We must leave now, but we will see you again." Elaine said and smiled. So did the other two. 

"Good bye, sister!" Eric said cheerfully and I smiled at him. The apparated themselfs away from the spot in seconds. I was still very confused, how could I have never seen them at Hogwarts? Maybe they had a private tutor... It's so strange, how could they just pop out from no where and find me. I mean, i'm not even at home! But, at some point I am glad they did this. 

Still holding the little gift I recieved, I closed the frontdoors behind me. I walked into the diningroom, and everyone had their gace upon me.

"What happend, Els? Was it really your relatives?" Jack asked.

"Yes." I said dully.

"They got you a gift?" Hiccup asked and pointed at the little package.

"Yes." I said in the same dull voice.

"Elsa, are you alright?" Rapunzel asked worriedly.

"I-I don't know."

"What's the gift?" Merida asked, still eating of the cake. 

I scratched on the wrappings and it revealed a simple black box. It looked like i was made of silk. I gently unwrapped it all and opened the box in awe. 

What, I thought it was destroyed! Years ago! It can't be true...

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