Unbelievable- Lisa P.O.V

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You still couldn't believe what had happened as you rushed over back to your table where the rest of the girls were, of course you went straight to Jennie as she was the one you had admitted your feelings too. "Lalisaaa!!! Where were you?" Jennie said happily as you came over, you were about to talk and then suddenly you felt very shy and was blushing vigorously. "You didn't.... did you... speak to TAEHYUNG??!!!" she loudly whispered almost turning into a shout.

"Aish Jennie shhhhh. Someone will hear!"

"So you did! I'm so happy for you Lisa! Tell me EVERYTHING!" Jennie exclaimed, for the rest of the event you spent your time filling Jennie in on everything that had happened between you and Tae.

It was a longggggg night...... the next thing you knew it was the morning and you were in your dorm lying in yours and Jennie's room, on Jennie's bed, at first you were a tiny bit confused as normally you slept in the other bed in the room , then you remembered it was Jennie who you had been talking to, you must've had a bit too much to drink and just collapsed on Jennie's bed when you got in, ahh well.

Then it hit you what had happened last night....you had spoke with Taehyung... once again you became extremely happy just at the thought of it, knowing the man of your dreams who you had liked for ages also liked you....wow. There was one thing, you didn't remember discussing a way to contact eachother.... ughhhhh you flopped down back onto Jennie's bed in disappointment. It was only when you were sorting out your clothes from the night before that you realised a little slip of paper in your jackets pocket.... it was a number with "Taehyung xx" written at the top, he must've slipped it in there without you knowing!!! Your face lit back up as you clenched the paper tightly.

 it was a number with "Taehyung xx" written at the top, he must've slipped it in there without you knowing!!! Your face lit back up as you clenched the paper tightly

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Now all you had to do was text him... you slowly typed his number into your phone and clicked on messages, your hands were trembling with nervousness, negative thoughts were streaming through you mind, what if he was joking? What if it was a dare? What if he was just drunk?

Despite all these thoughts you pushed them to the back of your mind and decided to go for it:


Hey Tae it's me, Lisa
do you remember me from last night?

You did it.... now it was a waiting game for a reply.....

Hey everyone sorry for updating so late, hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll try and update more often from now on 🤗

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