Reply~ Taehyung P.O.V

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It was the morning and you had just woken up, it was a long night last night and you were just about to complain about how your head was hurting then you remembered "LISA!!!" you screamed, immediately you covered up your mouth as you realised you said it a little too loud, however you couldn't stop smiling.

You noticed Yoongi had just walked in and was looking at you weirdly, "Lisa?" he said confused

"Oh ummmm" you didn't know what to say, should you tell him? Yoongi was one of your best friends and you two were really close, you couldn't hide your smile and you knew if you lied he wouldn't believe you.

"Yoongi, do you know....Blackpink" you said a little sheepishly

"Tf of course I do, I don't live under a rock" he said a little annoyed,

"okay then, that's a good start" you said chuckling to your self

"Well you see, I kind of really like one of the members, like really like, so I approached her last night and we spoke, I snuck her my number and hopefully we'll be able to meet up, she's very talented, absolutely beautiful, and her dress sense and personality are just like mine"

"TAEHYUNG DONT YOU FUCKING STEAL MY GIRL IF YOURE TALKING ABOUT JEN-" he stopped talking, turned completely red and said "I mean, who is it?"

Unable to reply as you were laughing so much about what he had just said "ahhh Yoongi, so protective over your crushes," you managed to get out while laughing inbetween words, I mean it makes sense they do really suit eachother.

"Well is it her or not?!" he said annoyed

"No, ha ha it's not, it's Lisa!" you were a bit scared about telling another person other than Jimin, but you could trust Yoongi

"Ahhh that's why you said Lisa..." he said a bit embarrassed, scratching his neck "anyway so when you meeting her"

"Oh um well I havent got a text from her ye-" dinggggg it was your phone


"Well how about actually reading the text first you idiot" he said sarcastically

"Oh yes, let's see......she just let me know it was her and asked if I remembered her" she's so cute, you knew she was special to you

"That's cool, sorry Tae but I gotta go, I'm meeting up with my mom, we're going to lunch together, good luck with Lisa, remember don't say anything too stupid" he said chuckling, you just rolled your eyes and laughed to yourself as he left.


Ahh Lisa of course I remember you!
I'm glad you found my piece
of paper I slipped into your jacket, I started to worry you wouldn't.

It took me a while but
I managed☺️

This girl is so fucking cute...

So there's something I've been wanting to ask you, will you go on a date with me?

Of course I will!!!! Xx

She sent me kisses... she sent me kisses.... THIS GIRL JUST SENT ME KISSES AGHHHH

How does tommorow sound? I'll pick you up at about 5pm, where we go will be a suprise, if you trust me xx

5pm, got it, I'll be looking
forward to it x

I'll make sure we won't be seen, see you tomorrow Lalisa xx

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