The date~Lisa P.O.V

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You were so happy... this very day Kim Taehyung was coming to pick you up to take you on a date!!!! As soon as you got the text from him about it you screamed, at the time Rosé was with you, she looked at you a bit weirdly but she was used to you so she didn't really question it.

Of course you went straight to Jennie to tell her the good news




"And you said?"


"Oh yes I kind of just wanted to make sure" she giggled to herself about how hyper you now were.

"Anyway how's your love life going?" You asked her trying to stop yourself getting to excited or you were afraid Tae might think you were weird...

"Well I still haven't been asked out by Yoon-" she gasped and covered up her mouth blushing

"Ooh la la look who's got a crush on Min Yoongi" you said whilst winking at her which made her blush even more

"Lisa. Shut up. I didnt mean to say that." She said getting a little angry

"Whateverrrr" you didn't want to cause any drama before you got picked up.

You ran out of Jennies room and went straight to your wardrobe choosing what to wear....hmmmmm

Taehyung P.O.V

Everything was going perfectly and you still couldn't believe you had got a date with Lalisa It was half an hour until you were about to pick her up and you were just freshening up your suit,

It was hard as you didn't know if a suit would be too formal so you decided to undo the top two buttons and put a little rose in your pocket for her.

You were just spraying your cologne on as you ran into your car, you didn't ask anyone who worked at big hit to drive you as you wanted it to be just you and Lisa and give both of you a break from being famous for a bit.

You had arranged to meet outside the back of the YG building, hopefully there nobody would recognise you two.

Your hands were shaking as you were just about to pull over to pick up Lisa....

Then she walked out... she had a beautiful grey and black dress on with a black bow at the front. She...looked...absolutely...gorgeous.

Immediately you felt yourself going red but had to calm yourself down in order to look casual.

"Lisa, nice to see you, you look beautiful by the way!" You said getting out and opening the car door for her, whilst giving her the rose you had in your pocket.

"Thank you so much Taehyung, this rose is so beautifull!" She said, it almost looked as if she was blushing as well.

Lisa P.O.V

You felt yourself going completely red, Taehyung was being such a gentleman! He looked so handsome in his suit....of course you didn't tell him that in case it made you sound weird or desperate but that was all you could think about.

"So Lisa, any ideas about where I'll be taking you?" Taehyung  said whilst smiling at you, his smile was so godamn cute and it made you even more attracted to him.

"Hmmmm I have no clue, you said somewhere where no one would see us..... the trash can maybe?" You said sarcastically as you saw him chuckle to himself which made you laugh aswell, he seemed so warm and you felt so lucky to be on this date with him

"Aish Lisa you don't think I'm that mean do you?" He said sarcastically whilst laughing

"Well the truth is... I'm not going to tell you until we get there.. if that's okay with you?" He said it in such a deep husky voice, it's like he can completely change personalities, and that's what made you love him even more.... wait...


You had only started speaking to this man for a little while and you Well Kim Taehyung you surely must be special to me...

"I'm special to you?" Taehyung suddenly said with his really cute..boxy, childish like smile


"That's what you said....wasn't it?"

"Omg omg omg, did I really say that out loud?! I'm so sorry Taehyung... just me and my big mouth" You said very embarrassed

"Haha it's okay Lisa" he said whilst leaning over to your seat and giving you a kiss on the cheek... DID HE REALLY JUST KISS ME?!!!! OMG you felt your cheeks turn red again just like they did before... but this time they felt redder.... of course his cute smile appeared straight on his face after he had done it.... this man was driving you crazy.

Taehyung P.O.V

Omg you had just realised what you'd done! You couldn't help but show a massive smile on your face...

was that to far? Do you think she minded? I hope that didn't put her off of me? You didn't know what to do it just felt like the right thing....

You then looked at her beautiful face once again....  Lalisa you drive me crazy...

After a while of driving you arrived at your destination "Well, here we are" You said

It was a beach... the sun was just setting and nobody was to be seen...perfect

You went to the boot and got a few blankets/picnic blankets out along with a picnic you had made yourself (with some help from Jin of course)... I hope she likes it

Lisa P.O.V

"Taehyung it's...its... beautiful" You said in absolute awe

"What can I say... a beautiful place for a beautiful woman" he said whilst smiling, he was so cute, as you got to the sand he laid down some picnic blankets for you and him to sit on, you were amazed at how organised he was

As you both sat down he got his picnic out, you took one bite of the chicken


"Ha ha, thank you, I hoped you'd like it,"

"I don't just like it I love it!" You exclaimed whilst digging into some more

"I hope maybe we can cook together sometime" Tae said whilst also eating

You two talked the night away, eventually it started to get dark, you started shivering

"Here," Taehyung said whilst putting his jacket around you and an arm around your shoulder


You rested your head on his shoulder

"I love you.....Lalisa"

"I love you too...Taehyung"

It was getting late and eventually he drove you was a good night...

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