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Just as I was starting
To believe that you exist,
You decided to let 'Lucy' win.
You know,if you truly existed
You would have sent an "angel"
To stop him,I mean...
Isn't that what you are supposed to do?
You promised your people you will never
Leave nor forsake them,but here we are.
You are actually more evil than I thought.
I thought you cared for them,
Protected them,but haha,
You just played the poor "saints".
I mean,you first took my first real friend,
Just to add on,you took
My comforter the following year,
And as if that wasn't enough
You took my mom on the 6th of August 2017
I guess I'm truly hated because today
20th September 2017
You took the only guy
Who always kept me positive.
Like,how loving can you get?

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