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They call themselves christians because
They believe in "christ".
They call themselves "godly" but go out
To sin,then "pray".
They call themselves saints but they
Judge us for not believing.
We party together,do drugs together
Kill people together and lay together
Then I go to bed and think of ways to make
This world a better place for real people,
They go to bed and "pray" to "god"
So that he can forgive them for their sins.
Sins they will commit tomorrow...
They call us demons,
Devil-worshippers and "bad kids"
Without an explanation,not that
Calling a person who believes in
The great power of the mind
A  demon,devil-worshipper or a "bad kid"
Deserves any justification.
"Christians". They live a programmed life
And I live my life.
"Christians". They lie,steal and destroy,
And that's all Lucy's work.
They say "God defeated Lucy a long
Time ago" but they turn-up to
Songs practically made by Lucy. They do drugs
Made by Lucy. "Christianity"? What is that?

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