Cat Got Your Tongue

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"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to run with a knife?" His glowing eyes pierced through the darkness of the alleyway, the rest of him blending into the shadows. The gruff man similarly dressed in black gasped, never seeing the hero follow him from the store.

Chat rose from his crouched position, staring down at the thief who seemed to want a challenge as he dropped the bag of cash and brought the silver blade up defensively.

"You're nothin' but a kid!" The man growled, stepping closer to trap Chat in the corner.

"I think you're missing the point here; I'm a kid with superpowers. I'm also a kid with a curfew, so if we could wrap this up, that'd be great," Chat smirked confidently as he pulled the baton out from behind him.

The thief lunged himself towards Chat, the knife blade coming straight at his abdomen. Swiftly, he grabbed the mans wrist, easily twisting it and forcing him to the ground. The thug hit the ground with a dull thud, the breath knocked clean from his lungs as he struggled in Chat's grip.

"Wasn't that nice and easy?" Chat asked, stepping over the man and pressing the ball of his foot down onto his wrist until he unwillingly let the knife go. While Chat went to retrieve the knife, the thief managed to pull out another knife, not quite as large as the former one.

The flash of light caught on the blade drew in Chat's attention. "Another one? Who the hell carries two knives?" He began, about to snatch it from the mans hand. However, he was too late as the sharp edge sliced along his hip, a searing pain spreading throughout him. Chat let out a howl of pain as he leaped back, his hand instinctively moving to his wound.

"How are those superpowers working out for you now, huh?" Chat heard the thief laugh as he picked the bag of cash and began to run into the darkness.

With a grunt of pain, Chat aimed his baton carefully, extending it out far enough to hit the robber in the back. While the man was knocked to the ground, trying to regain his breath, Chat limped over and retrieved the stolen money, kicking the second knife from the robbers' hand.

Red and blue lights illuminated the alleyway as police rushed to the scene. Chat took it as his cue to leave, his job done. He handed the bag to one of the officers before shooting away on the baton.

Each movement was like agony as Chat made his way to the one person he knew he could trust to help him.
Marinette had just settle into bed, her hair out of their pigtails, teeth brushed and body snuggled in warm pyjamas. Warmth radiated throughout her blanket and nothing could disturb her from slipping into slumber.

Well maybe the sound of something crashing on her balcony... Yeah that disturbed her quite easily.

Carefully, she crept up to her balcony, peaking through the crack of the trap door.

"What's going on?" Tikki asked groggily, yawning as she flew over and looked to where Marinette was looking.

"I'm not sure, but stay down here for now, ok?" Marinette instructed as she began to climb up to her balcony. Tikki obeyed silently, flying away and hiding, keeping an ear out in case Marinette was in trouble.

Slowly, Marinette rose up, and almost instantly recognised the black figure crouched on her balcony railing uncomfortably, the full moon outlining his figure. Eyes glowing in the darkness, Chat spoke up, struggling to keep his voice steady and even. "Evening, Princess," he tried out a smirk, however a round of pain spread his side.

Marinette picked up on his unease, slowly walking over to him. "Ch-Chat? Is everything alright?" Mari stammered, fearing the worst.

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