Stuck on a Feeling

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Saturday had passed too fast for Marinette's likings. The incident with Chat had left her head in a whirl and her heart split between two. At the thought of Chat popping in that night - his charming charisma, contagious laughter and piercing eyes that demanded her attention, Marinette felt her heart pick up in pace and jitters spread through her limbs.

She knew only one other person who had that affect on her, and Marinette was certainly a little afraid to admit it. Either fortunately or unfortunately, Chat didn't show up at her trap door as promised, nor did he make it to patrol. Marinette was a little disappointed, but she wasn't worried. she had gathered that Chat's home life wasn't anything desirable, and understood that he probably had gotten caught up. But in the mean time, it gave Mari plenty of time to sort her head and heart out. She had spent most of Saturday trying to convince herself she didn't like Chat Noir, and that she was just upset over Adrien, yet the more thought she gave it, the more it seemed that she did.

Come Sunday morning and Marinette was down right confused. And thank god for mothers, because without the help of hers she would have never come to a conclusion of her feelings.

"Marinette Honey, what the matter? You've been locked up in your room for most of the weekend and when I've seen you, you're spaced out," Sabine confronted during breakfast, Tom busily working away down in the bakery. Mari was caught off guard, rolling a blueberry between her index finger and the plate.

"Oh? Uh I'm just a little confused is all," she began, frowning down at the berry.

"Well your father and I will love you however you choose-"

"No no! That's not what I meant, but I'm glad to know," Marinette chuckled, giving her attention to Sabine.

"Then what is it Honey?

"There's this boy -"

"Ah, Adrien?" Her mother gave a knowing smile.

"How'd you know?" Marinette questioned.

"Sweetie I've seen the posters!" Sabine chuckled at the growing flood of colour to her daughters cheeks.

"Anyway, there's recently been a... new boy in our class, and he's really nice and charming, but I can't like him because I already love Adrien, right?" Marinette heart was stuck in her throat as she awaited her mother's precious advice.

"I used to believe that, and funny enough I was in a similar situation as you, Dear. When I was a little older than you, I was head over heels for this boy with stunning green eyes and looked rather snazzy in black," Ew, to much information, Marinette thought, "But then I met your father, and everything changed. I learned that it's possible to love more than one person at a time." Hold up, love?! I'm struggling with the concept of  liking Chat Noir, there's no way I love him... right?

"What did you do?" Marinette continued.

"Well for along time I was very caught up between the two and torn, but eventually that other-  boy went away, and it gave me the chance to really get to know Tom," Sabine smiled gently, continuing to wipe down the bench in front of Marinette.

"Thanks mum," Marinette hummed, leaving to return to her room for more time to think. "I don't know what to do Tikki!" She huffed, flopping onto her bed.

"I'm sure everything will work out just fine Mari!" The Kwami assured.

"Somehow I doubt that," Marinette groaned, "I think I like Chat, but I can't, it's not safe for either of us, especially him!"

"Then just like Adrien?" Tikki tried, not understanding the complexity of the situation.

"It's not that simple Tikki, I know Chat greater than anyone else, and unlike Adrien Chat has tried to return the favour and properly get to know me. I can't just shut off my feelings for him,"

"Everything will be okay Marinette, just wait!" Tikki flew up to Marinette face, hugging her nose. Somehow, this brought comfort to Marinette, and she could breathe easier.

Adrien's P.O.V.
"I can't believe father shipped me off to Italy for the whole weekend, of all times to schedule a photo shoot!" Adrien complained to Plagg, slouched over in front of the mirror of his trailer.

"Relax kid, you can confess your undying love for Pigtails when you get back," Plagg muttered through a mouthful of cheese.

"First of all, her name is Marinette, and second of all I just wanted to make sure she's okay - I upset her pretty bad," Adrien scratched the back of his neck, his stomach churning with the guilt. The only good think to have come from this sudden trip was the time to think. Adrien had already conjured up a plan to get closer to Marinette, and to make up for his mistake.

"Then just call her and ask her? Yeesh you kids over complicate things," Plagg rolled his eyes.

"I can't because only Chat knows that she was upset. And I can't exactly call her as Chat either, otherwise she'd think it was pretty funny when it says 'Adrien is calling'." Adrien muttered.

"Look Adrien, there's nothing you can do right now, so there's no use in worrying about it, is there? And besides when you left she was feeling better," Plagg oddly helped.

"Thanks Plagg," Adrien smiled.

"Don't mention it. Now be a great friend and get me more cheese, all this travel makes me ravenous!"

"There he is," Adrien chuckled with the roll of his eyes.

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