Date Night

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Hey look, I drew something from this chapter (something very basic AND unfinished!)! If you like it and could be ever so kind to support my on Instagram (_ssketchyy) And tumblr (noirgrste) it would be ever so appreciated! Anyway here's a new chapter!

"Hey Alya," Marinette gave a small smile as she walked into class. For once, she was actually early and had a chance to talk with her friends.

"Hey girl, how are you feeling today?" Alya asked, pulling Mari in for a hug.

"Yeah I'm alright, as long as I can finish these final sketches for art class," the pair chuckled as the teacher walked in.

"Hey Nino, where's Adrien?" Alya leaned down to her boyfriend as the teacher set up.

"Poor dude got sent out to Italy for the whole weekend for some hectic shoot. He said he'd be here, just slept in." At the sound of his name, Marinette heart jumped, something she wished she could gain control over. As if on queue, Adrien  rushed through the door, something Marinette had done on many occasions. After apologising profusely to the teacher, he took his place in front of Marinette, turning in his seat to mouth a 'hello' to her. It felt like she had been struck with lightning, and for a moment believed it was just one of her daydreams. But as he held eye contact with her, she snapped back into reality and managed to give a small wave, her face bright. Luckily for Marinette, Alya was too busy making love eyes to Nino to notice, and she was able to avoid the endless questions.

The day proceeded as per the usual bore of school, aside from Adrien. On multiple occasions Marinette found him fumbling and fidgeting with his hands, almost causing an explosion in chemistry at one point. Marinette pinned it down to being tired from flying around, and continued with the day. By the final bell signalling that school was over, Marinette was a nervous wreck, not a clue what to do or say if Chat showed up that night.

"Mari!" She heard his voice call through the crowd of teenagers. She turned to see Adrien trying to squeeze through kids, his arm outstretched as if to hold her back. "May I talk to you for a second, maybe somewhere less crowded?" He gave a nervous chuckle, clutching the back of his neck.

"Mhmm!" She hummed in response, a little nervous of what was to come but not entirely sure it was real. Adrien led her out of the crowd towards a park bench. Marinette took a seat, however Adrien remained standing, still playing with the back of his neck nervously.

"Is everything alright?" Marinette asked after a moment of awkward silence.

"Yes! It's perfect, peachy, great!" Adrien let out a sigh, letting his hand drop to his side as they bundled up in fists. "Marinette, I was wanting to ask you if you'd like to come to dinner with me, sorta like a um, a date?" Did I hear that right? No it can't be. "What are you doing?" He asked as he watched Marinette pinch the skin of her arm.

"Making sure this is real," she simply replied, frowning as nothing happened.

"I-it is. So what do you say?" Adrien gave a nervous smile, his brow pulled up anxiously.

"I'd tove lo-uh I'm mean love to!" Marinette smiled widely, seeing the wide grin stretch across Adrien's cheeks.

"Great! I'll pick you up at 6," and with that he turned on the ball if his heel and retreated to the limo which awaited him. Seeing the glass between him and the driver shut, he let Plagg fly out.

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