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"Those two are dense," Alya sighed, watching Marinette and Adrien awkwardly talk from across the courts in annoyance.

"Hm, we need to get them together," Nino plotted by his girlfriend's side, stroking his chin in contemplation.

"I agree, I mean just look at them! I have an idea, but are you free tonight Nino?" Alya questioned, turning to face him. He smiled down at her warmly, admiring the scheming look in her eye.

"Of course I am," Nino smirked, taking her hand and walking over to join the akward pair.

"Hey girl, what's up?" Alya greeted with a wide grin, pulling Marinette into a small hug.

"Not a lot, how was your morning?" Marinette beamed, trying to ignore the feeling of Adrien watching her. Thank god Alya had shown up when she did, saving Marinette from another stutter session when Adrien had randomly popped up and started talking.

"Yeah, just the usual. Hey listen, Nino and I were going to go for a stroll through the park together tonight, care to join us?" Alya raised her brow in question.

"Oh, uh sure!" Mari hesitated. She loved Alya to bits, but she hated third-wheeling; awkwardly forced to witness Alya and Nino's PDA. But perhaps a night out wouldn't kill her.

"Great, and how about you Adrien?" Marinette's heart almost stopped for a second. She saw Alya glance at her with a smirk, Marinette knowing all too well Alya was scheming.

'Okay, a night definitely won't kill me' Mari thought to herself.

"Yeah that sounds great, count me in," the boy gave a cheesy grin as the bell signalled for the end of lunch.

"Meet us by the fountain at 7," Alya instructed, walking away towards her class with Nino.

"Come on Mari, we have physics now," Adrien chimed in, startling Marinette and her daydreams. There it was again, that nickname. It sounded like honey coming from his lips; well anything did.

"Oh, r-right!" she stammered, following after the boy, still deep in thought.

'Maybe my Ladybug luck is finally starting to shine through!' Marinette quietly laughed at herself.

------change to the flower thingies-----

"There you are!" Alya called, grabbing Mari's attention through the crowded path. Couples littered the park under the illuminated Eiffel Tower, making it difficult for Marinette to find her friends.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," Mari began, joining her friends, only to realise the group was down a member. "Where's Adrien, h-he's still coming right?" she fretted, fearful he hadn't have been able to make it after all.

"Don't stress, the old man was just giving him a bit of a hard time, but he told me he's on his way," Nino assured with a goofy smile, "Speak of the devil, here he is now!"

"Sorry for keeping you waiting guys," Adrien huffed, slightly out of breath from running there.

"No worries dude, we're just glad you could make it," Nino chuckled, patting him on the back. The group started trekking through the crowded walkways, aiming to find someplace less busy and hectic. About ten minutes of akward silence throughout, Alya decided it was time to initiate her plan.

"Hey guys, Nino promised to come check out this Ladybug stall earlier, so we're gonna go have a look at that. And I know you aren't overly excited about that sort of stuff Marinette, so you two can just keep going, we'll meet up with you in a few," Alya had already begun to walk of with Nino in the opposite direction before Marinette could say anything, quickly disappearing in the swamp of people. She internally cursed at her best friend for leaving her in such an awkward situation, trying to cover it with a wide smile as she turned back to Adrien. At least he didn't seem to mind.

"S-so what would you, ah like to do?" Marinette laughed nervously, playing with the necklace hung around her neck out of habit.

"Did you want to find a place to sit down for a bit? I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted from sprinting here," Adrien laughed.

"Oh y-yeah of course! How's your leg now?" Mari asked timidly, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. Her heart thumped hard in her chest as she tried as hard as she could to talk normally. She pictured herself talking to Chat, asking about his side-which seemed to help somewhat.

"Yeah much better now, all I needed was some rest," Adrien informed with a small smile.

'More like advanced healing as Plagg told me, but what's the difference?'

"I-I'm glad to-oof!" Marinette was cut off as a man sped passed her, his shoulder knocking her nearly to the ground. Thankfully, Adrien was able to catch her, his hand grasping hers and yanking her back up close to his chest.

"Are you alright Marinette?' He asked worriedly.

"Is the park spinning to you?" She asked, the air knocked clean from her lungs from the impact. But Marinette knew that that was only part of the reason for her spinning head, being held so close to her crush almost making her faint.

"Let's get you somewhere a little more safe," Adrien chuckled, guiding Mari off the pathway, keeping a hand on her back to keep her steady as she wobbled. Her head soon cleared up after the horrible sound of a crash and terrified screams spread through the park. Both Marinette and Adrien became hyper-alert of the situation, already mapping out a plan.

As per usual, the Akumatised victim showed themselves very soon, a young man clad in a black suit with a single shattered heart in the middle of his chest. In his hands he held a bouquet of pitch black roses, a grimace on his face as he stormed through the streets. He picked petals from the roses and launched them at couples, trapping them in thorned cages. He noticed the closeness between Marinette and Adrien, and soon enough they were his next prey. A scowl buried itself into his brow as he picked another petal, ready to throw it at the pair.

"Watch out Adrien!" Ladybug shone through as Marinette screamed, shoving him out of the way and saving him from the blast of thorns. Marinette would have been hit as well if she hadn't have tripped as she shoved Adrien, falling down with him.

Adrien lay on the grass in shock of Marinette's crazy act of heroism, her outrageous bravery saving him. Marinette on the other hand had not time to spare as she rolled to her feet, reaching out for Adrien's hand.

"Come one Adrien, we have to go! Follow me!" She ordered, pulling Adrien along with her, out of sight from the Akuma. He had moved onto other couples, however in the meantime Marinette still pulled Adrien through the park towards a large playground. Adrien remained in his stupor, still amazed at how much Marinette had just reminded him of his Lady. Marinette continued to guide him into a small tube that kept him safe and out if sight as she checked on him.

"Are you alright Adrien? I-I'm sorry I shoved you but-" Mari began to ramble.

"It's okay, I'm fine thanks to you Marinette. Thank you," he breathed, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Right. I'm going to go and look for Alya and Nino, but stay here and I'll come find you," She may as well have been Ladybug Adrien thought, the way she calmly and confidently spoke to him in the time of crisis.

"Uh, y-yeah okay," He unusually stammered, scratching the back of his neck. He knew he could take the opportunity of being completely alone to transform; he just hoped Ladybug would show up to help him.

Adrien watched Marinette run away, making sure he was really alone before he transformed. But somehow, all he could think of was how confident Marinette was, how she had saved his life and dragged him to safety, before running off into danger to help her friends more.

"Hey kid, what are you waiting for?" Plagg appeared, gaining Adrien's attention.

"Oh right," Adrien coughed, clearing his mind.

Maybe it was the rush of adrenaline making him feel it, but all of a sudden his heart beat a little harder and a little faster at the thought of Marinette. Adrien wasn't completely sure what that feeling meant, it wasn't like before but it surely wasn't the same to how he felt about Ladybug. He put the thought aside, transforming into Chat Noir and running off to save the city from peril yet again.

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