Chapter 1

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I was laying on the ground with a cut on my face gushing blood. CJ wasn't there to help me. I quickly took off my shirt to reveal my sports bra in front of Lizzy. I placed my shirt on my cut to stop the bleeding. I ain't dying today. I have so much to live for. And I still need to beat the tar out of this girl. She was still standing, her fist covered with my blood, glaring at me. I tied my shirt around my head and stood up. "What the heck is wrong with you?!" I screamed. "All of this just because I'm a rapper!" Lizzy laughed harshly. "'Rapper' is another name for a hood," said Lizzy. "I'm gonna make sure that the school is safe without you in it." My fist got tighter at her words. Still dizzy, I ran and swung my fist at her as hard as I could. Now she was the one laying on the ground, her nose was bleeding. "I'm not a hood," I said under my breath.

Freaking Lizzy. The principal caught us in the hallway, seeing Lizzy unconscious and me staring down at her. Once we were in the principal's office, Lizzy just sat there and lied about how I started it all. I just sat there and gave that girl a death glare the whole time. Now I'm expelled. Because of her. I told CJ what actually happened once we were in the car. He believed me. But we still can't prove anything to the principal. Lizzy's the principal's favorite. According to Lizzy herself, I'm one of the trouble makers.

Once we got home, CJ and I sat down to talk. "Don't worry about it," he said as he noticed me look down at the floor. "That school must have been trash, anyways." "Oh, it was," I replied. "We should probably enter you into a different school," he said. "Wait," I said. "I'm not in trouble? Even when I gave Little Miss Judge Mental a bloody nose?" CJ shook his head. "It was just self-defense," he said. "You couldn't control it." I agreed politely, even though he was wrong. I did control it. I've been wanting to do that to Lizzy all year.

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