Chapter 14: Mid Morn Sickness

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I feel so stupid because this chapter could've been in the last chapter...

Your behavior never returned to normal, Sanji took you back to the Sunny as soon as he possibly could to avoid a potential anxiety attack from you within the near future.

Like bracelets, Sanji had strung his arms through the handles of the grocery bags and carried the load to the kitchen, dropping them off upon the counter closest to the refrigerator. The bags being so heavy they left imprints upon his skin. The blonde rubbed his forearms before unloading the contents of the first bag he had nearby and went ahead with packing up the storage and the refrigerator with the foods he had just picked up. There was a peaceful silence within the kitchen, Sanji had found himself humming a soft toon to accompany himself by until there here was a sudden ruckus outside that had caught the blonde's attention.

Robin came into the kitchen all giggles with a hand pressed to her lips. Sanji eased himself, returning to work. "What's going on out there?" Sanji grumbled as he stood on his tiptoes to put some things away within the cabinets.

"Oh," Robin giggled again. "Nothing out of the ordinary. Chopper saw that (Y/n) hurt herself again."

"Yeah," Sanji acknowledged the woman standing before him. "She had a night terror and hurt herself pretty bad. Me and Brook took care of her so there's no need to get your panties all in a bunch."

"Aren't those a regular thing now?" Robin had caught on to your reoccurring issue.

"Yes," Sanji shrugged his shoulders. "But they're getting better. (Y/n) hasn't cried lately."

"Progress," Robin commented. "Anyways, Brook told me you spent the entire day with (Y/n)... How was it?" Sanji found the long pause a bit suspicious even for Robin.

"Different," Sanji had no other words.

"Different as in?" Robin hummed.

"I don't know. Different," Sanji repeated sitting down at the counter before Robin. "We went shopping for a while until (Y/n) got really bored and so we split up. Afterwards she found a psychic and she hasn't been the same since."

"A woman like (Y/n) wouldn't be so foolish as to actually believe what a woman out to grab a quick buck would say," Robin explained, only to get a disapproving shake of the head from Sanji.

"I believe the woman was the real deal Miss Robin," Sanji expressed all very briefly. "She... She..." Sanji trailed off.

"She what Sanji?"

Sanji pursed his lip, stroking his chin. "She told me that I'll ask (Y/n) to be my other half without actually asking," Robin perked up hearing the news as Sanji had expected to happen. To avoid more questions, he had reached out to the pile of grocery bags and pulled out his yellow rose of crimson tips still perfect and free of thorns. "That's what I had planned to do. To give her this rose and let (Y/n) come to a conclusion."

"I had no clue you liked (Y/n) in a romantic manner" Robin awed. She took the perfect rose from Sanji's hands, giving the blossom a well deserved intake of its sweet aroma. "A yellow rose and red tips means you're in love... That's quite deserving for your nickname Love Cook"

"Yeah," Sanji's cheeks went rosy. "I did my research." Robin called me Love Cook! I think my heart might just die from excitement!

"Well... What did that Psychic say about (Y/n)?" Robin was now eager to know.

"I wasn't around for her fortune," Sanji regrets to admit. "The only fortune I got from (Y/n) was about Law and Smoker and how they're out to get her," and there Robin began to frown hearing what she never wanted to know. "I'm pretty sure there was more to it, cause (Y/n) doesn't cower in front of enemies... That much I know for sure," Sanji was more than confident in that fact.

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