Chapter two

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Fionna finally got home after 10 minutes. She walked slower then turtle prince on the way home trying to figure out what tomorrow was. She got home and crawled into bed, she realized it was 2am. 'What time do I have to be there?' She thought. She changed into her pajamas and called Marshall Lee.

Phone call convo

"Cold feet already" He said with a snicker, she laughed a little herself

"No but want to know what time you meant" She said yawning. He laughed a bit

"Be here at 8 am. Get some sleep bunny. We are Returning to the NightO'Sphere tomorrow babe" He said. Fionna blushed he called her babe. 'Gumball never does that'. Then she thought about the time when Marshall Lee took her to the NightO'Sphere and they didn't have any memory. Then they ended up saving each other.

"Yea okay. See you then" She said and hung up. Still crawled into bed and fell asleep.

End Phone convo

The next morning she woke up to dark hair brushing against her face. She opened her eyes and Marshall Lee was floating above her. She was about to scream when his hand went over her mouth. He made a shh sign. She looked over at a sleeping Cake. She got up and went to the bathroom and got ready. They left a note for Cake saying that Marshall Lee and Fionna were going to the NightO'Sphere for a family dinner and that Heather Abadeer said she had to come so yeah. Marshall Lee was carrying Fionna bridal style to his house with an umbrella on his right shoulder.

"Why did you come and get me?" Fionna asked looking at the vampire

"You slept in bunny. I had to come get you" Marshall said with a smirk. She blushed and they talked about random things on the way back to his house. The got there and waiting there for them was his mother.

"Hey" Marshall said floating in and chilling like nothing was up. His mother frowned at her sons lack of respect.

"Hello Fionna!" His mother greeted her. To Fionna's surprise the lady of evil hugged her. Fionna looked at Marshall Lee who was trying so hard not to laugh. Fionna hugged her back awkwardly.

"You ready to go" Marshall said wrapping an arm around Fiona's waist. Fionna blushed and look up at Marshall. He smiled down at her and winked. She copied his action and she smirked back at him. They were about to burst out into laughter when Heather opened the portal. Instead they muffled their laughs by coughing.

"What's so funny? You're going to the NightO'Sphere. That's like hell" Heather said looking at them confused.

"Fionna was making faces" Marshall Lee blurted out. Fionna turned red and shook her head.

"You started it" She said and laughed. Heather looked at them and shook her head

"Teenagers these days" She said and stepped in the portal. The followed close behind. Marshall Lee brought his axe bass with him and Fionna brought her sword just in case.

"Wow" Fionna said and they entered demons were cheering at the arrival of the King and his future Wife. Marshall pressed his lips to her hair

"Stay close" He said and kissed her head. Heather made a demon face and they all ran away. They made it to the house.

"I never took you on a tour, come on" He said and led her away. He took her all around and then he showed her his room. It had pictures of his family and Simone. He sighed looking at the pictures. Fionna saw a scrapbook and look through it. Wow Marshall was cute at thirteen; actually he was cute forever, every picture. Then she came to a picture of Marshall Lee and his father.

Returning to the Night O'Sphere (Fiona + Marshall Lee Fanfic) (Adventure Time)Where stories live. Discover now