Chapter Four

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Fionna woke up in Marshall Lee's room; he was in the bathroom taking a shower. She could hear him singing in the shower. 'How cute' Fionna thought. She got up and looked in the mirror. Her hair was a mess; she was wearing Marshall Lee's shirt and sweat pants.

"So it wasn't a dream" Fionna mused out loud.

"What wasn't a dream" Marshall's voice questioned behind her she spun around to see Marshall Lee wet and only in a towel.

"Uhh Uhh" Fionna stuttered, her eyes taking in the site of his body and how perfect It was. How come she always sees him in a towel?

"My eyes are up here Fionna" Marshall snickered and Fionna's eyes shot up to his. A blush crept on her face and she covered her eyes but was peeking.

"Nothing...hey what happened last night?" Fionna asked. Marshall Lee laughed at her

"What you don't remember" Marshall Lee asked floating to the closet to change. Fionna turned away so he could change. He put on boxers than jeans with rips at the knee. His arms wrapped around her waist and he kissed her cheek. She sighed in relief and smiled.

"I do but I thought it was a dream" Fionna replied turning around in his arms to face him. He smiled at her than stole another kiss. A smile played at Marshall Lee's lips

"You dream about me" He said with a sexy smile. She smiled and nodded but was still blushing. Just then the doorbell rang. Marshall groaned and went to go get it. Fionna followed him but went to the kitchen instead. Marshall Lee wen to the door and there stood Gumball.

"Oh hello Pinky" Marshall Lee said with a smirk on his face.

"Cut the crap Marshall Lee" Gumball replied crossing his pink arms

"You are at my house Gumwad" Marshall countered "What do you want Gummy?"

"Where's Fionna?" Gumball asked and Marshall pointed behind him.

"Inside" Marshall replied. Gumball looked behind the vampire.

"What is she doing here?" Gumball asked anger evident in his voice.

"She spent the night here" Marshall said an evil smile creeping on his face. Gumballs face flushed with anger.

"Why do you want to see her?" Marshall Lee mused with a smirk on his face. Gumball crossed his pink arms and stared at the vampire.

"She's my girlfriend" Gumball replied. Marshall Lee shook his head slowly, a smile on his face

"Ex-Girlfriend" Marshall Lee corrected him

"Not for long" Gumball replied trying to past Marshall. Marshall Lee hissed with his demon eyes and hissed at the prince, pinning him to the cave wall.

"Listen Gummy, stay away from Fionna or I'll drink the pink from your face" Marshall Lee hissed

"Let me go! I order you!" The pink prince struggled against the vampire king. Marshall laughed darkly and smiled

"I'm the Vampire King! I out rule you in every way. Now stay away from my house, Fionna and me" Marshall Lee hissed. Gumball flinched and nodded.

"Good" Marshall said normal now, letting the Prince go.

"She'll come back to me!" Gumball yelled walking away. Marshall Lee snickered

"Don't make me laugh Gumbutt" Marshall Lee said and floated back inside to his girlfriend making red velvet cake.

"Who was that?" Fionna said looking at Marshall Lee while mixing the batter.

"Gayball" Marshall Lee replied and kissed her lips.

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