Chapter 12: Praesagia Mille

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    "You need to calm down, David! We can't go declaring war on strangers! We don't have enough information!"

"Maybe to you. Maria was my everything! She was my sister! She was the only one who stood up for me when abuela tried to punish me for being unusual. She was always there for me when I was sad, and now she's... she's..." David couldn't find the words to say. He just couldn't bear the thought of her death.

Jonathan didn't know what to say. He had his own emotional demons he had to face as a child. He knew the pains of an overbearing guardian, and could relate. For once in his life, Jonathan couldn't say a thing.

"David...I'm so sorry, but we can't focus on the past. We need to focus on the future. We'll be gone too if we don't figure something out-and fast."

"Hey! Did you hear that! I heard talking!Someone's here!" Maya yelled with such fury, they felt like the flesh was coming off their bones.

"Scratch that-we need a plan. Now." David kept thinking, but his brain was cluttered with the shouting noise inside of him, wanting to claw its way out of his brain and yell at the two murderers who caused him this pain. He knew that voice from somewhere... he just needed to keep searching.

"Wait! I got it! Those two are the demonios sanos, the sound demons. They're insanely powerful demons, children of chaos itself. It's said they can make sounds of any sort, like making you feel depressed until suicide, or sounds so loud they can rip the meat right off your bones. Very scary."

"What's they're weakness? Do they have any?"

"You bet."

"What is it?"

"Praesagia mille. The book of a thousand prophecies. Exactly what their looking for. Thankfully, I know where it is. Bad news, It can only be opened by a legendary warrior. Wait, good news again! You're a legendary warrior!"

Jonathan felt like he was choking on the cookie all over again. "Wait, me?! But I'm thirteen! There's no way I can open a crazy book about windmills."

"Praesagia Mille."


"Ok, here's the plan."

Jonathan crawled along the floor just like he had been told. "Jonathan." David had said. "It's critical that you stay out of sight. Otherwise, the result could be fatal. We could be killed." He had nodded and so far had followed his directions.

Stay low: check. Be quiet: check. Now all he had to do was look for a book in the back of the room titled "The Tale of the Elementals" by an author known as Serenity Cho, who apparently is a sacred oracle.

"Alright, Jonathan. Chill you got this." He consoled himself, continuing to crawl, the rough ground hurting his elbows even though they were covered by his jacket. He continued his search for what seemed like hours, though only minutes. The pressure was on-find the book-or die.

Finally, he found it under a stack of dictionaries. It didn't look like much, tattered leather soft cover with a hand written title, pages yellow with age and almost falling out, but Jonathan could tell it was special. It was the book of praesagia Mille, he could just tell, no need to look at the title. Right when he picked it up, the cover transformed.

The letters rearranged themselves into a design. It looked like a circle, but inside, it had a symbol. The one he wore on his jacket-the script class badge. "Wow. That's new." He ran his hand across it and was surprised to find to find it was no longer leather, but a smooth metal.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw David in position. He slide the book across the floor, and David grabbed it as quickly as possible. "Wow." He managed. He opened it up and started flipping through it's pages.

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