Ch.11 B-day Prize

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"Y/n, for real where are we going."

"Do you see any bikes?"

"What do we need bikes for?"

"Like I said you'll find out. Just tell if you see any."

"Some are next to that tree."

"Great. Get yours and I'll get mine."


The both of you got your bikes, and with you in the front, you led the way to a store not far from the place where most of the people were at. You set your stuff down and made both of your ways inside.

"What are we doing here?"

"What do you think? We're getting a present for your brother."

"Y/n, you don't have to do this."

"I want to do this. Now, what does your brother like?"

"Well, Jungkook reminds me of my brother the most because of their ages and how they dress and act, so get something Jungkook would probably like."

"Ok....what about this?"

"I don't think so,"



"Ok, he has to like this!" You say frustrated already


"Jimin I'm not leaving this store until I find something."

"Ok...go ahead and take your time."

Jimin POV:

When I told Y/n the "reason I was upset" all of it wasn't true. I was getting angry at how that guy was acting towards
Y/n. I couldn't tell her that, and if I did, she would've gotten the hint that I have feelings for her. And that wasn't a good thing for my circumstances.

She was flustered trying to find the perfect gift for my brother and it was cute at how she cared so much. Not having much emotion when talking to her was hard. I don't think she noticed but obviously, I can. I could tell she really cared because she was getting angry at how the store basically had nothing. That was until she got an idea.

She grabbed my wrist and we got on the bikes and made our way back to the venue I guess so we could get the guys and go back home.

" sing?"

"I guess, I do mostly when I'm bored or trying to focus."

"Sing for me."


"Because you heard me sing on stage in front of people I didn't want to and we're the only ones here so...sing."

"Alright, alright."

(I used an English cover for this one...hope that's ok.)

The time I finished, Y/n was quiet. Was I bad singer to her? It makes sense though because her voice was very angelic. I wonder how long she has been singing.

"This is exac-"

"You were good."

"Excuse me?"

"Actually, you were amazing. You sing really good in English too."


"Have you been practicing?"

"Yeah, Kook sometimes listens to western music, and I join him time to time."

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