Ch.33 Hostage

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I opened my eyes to some sort of abandoned place. My hands were tied up and I realized someone was also tied up with me. We both were back to back. I tried to turn around to see who it was. I saw out of the corner of my eye long hair. I tried not get excited because it could've been Y/n. I try to get a quick glance at their shoes. Joy started rushing through my body. I saw a pair of, (insert shoe here). One thing I never forgot was those brands of shoes were her favorite, she had multiple pairs of them, she wore them with almost every outfit to school. She was here, she really was. I know things between us two were tight but I can't and won't stay mad at her. She had every right to be. And I've excepted that. I just hope she does too.

"Y/n if this is you right behind me. Please say something."

I waited for a couple of minutes hoping what I said would work.

"'s me."

I was glad it was her. She didn't seem so happy to admit she was there. She must still be mad at me.

"Look, I understand if you're still upset with me about everything that happened but ju-"

" I'm not mad at you. I was at first but that blew over, I was badly hurt by you though."

"Are you... positive?"

"Yes, I'm sure, I was actually going to come back and make things right between Nari, You, and the boys."

"I'm so sorry for what I did to you. It was the last thing on my mind I wanted to do to you. I was constantly angry and blaming myself for the reason you left."


Two dark figures walk out of a room. It was Chin-hwa and Seung. I still can't believe she was still working with this horrendous son of a bitch that hurt Y/n. This time she seemed more timid and scared. I actually felt a little remorse for her. She was probably going through what Y/n was going through if they were together.

"Glad to see you, idiots, finally awake," Chin-hwa said

"Shut up. It's your motherfucking fault we're even here. What was the shit you gave me anyway?" I say

"Knock out serum of course. And I take it you're upset."

"No shit Sherlock. And I'm far from upset, I'm pissed off. Just wait until I get from this rope."

"I'd like to see you try."

Chin-hwa walked over to me and punched me in the stomach. And that shit hurt, I groaned in pain. He also swung his fist across my right cheek. That hurt as well. I see he picked up on self-defense after the beating me and Suga gave him. My lip bled a bit but I was fine.

"EVERYBODY STOP IT!" I heard Y/n cry out

"I'll give you what you want. If you stop hurting Jimin. He didn't do anything to get in this. But why Chin?"

"Because you took away my reputation. You ripped away everything I truly loved. People saw me as Savage because of the shit you said. I wanted you to pay by taking away something you loved. And he's right there."

"What are you both talking about?" I asked

"Don't you get it? She's rich. And she'll pay her way out of this situation if it has to do with saving you."

"Shut up and let me explain. He doesn't understand." Y/n said

"My dad is one of the richest people in y/c/n. That's why I got in this University so fast. I knew it out of the country and at the time I was trying to get away from Chin-hwa. But I guess it doesn't matter because look what I got into. It's also why I got to live with you and the guys. My dad wanted the best of the best for me. Especially if it's out of the country. Jimin you know this is one of the most prestigious Universities in the world. And all Chin-hwa wants is my money so he could leave and move with his life. I just wonder why. He's loaded too."

"Enough of all that sweet talk shit. He understands now. Right?"

"Yeah. I guess"


Nari POV :

I was still bummed that Y/n has been gone for exactly 1 month. It seemed like forever, the past semester has been really boring without her. At the time I was the only one in my dorm, at the time. I was doing some research papers and projects while listening to some music. My phone went off multiple times. I didn't know why though. The person who was trying to reach me was an unknown number.

When I read the first text message I got scared. It said:

2185 Assyria Pike North Tfbot ➡️. (The first building on the right.)

The second text:
H. W NO t + ba7 + you. (Hurry. Waist NO time & bring all 7 & you)

The third text:
Brg wpns! (Bring weapons)

The last text:
Jm w/ me. Idk hml (how much longer) hctt (he can take this) HURRY. ~(First letter of your name)

It took me a while to catch on whatever this person's talking about. I then realized the last text the person sent ended with a letter. It must've been Y/n it was the first letter of her name! And she said Jimin was with her. But why? I wondered what had happened to her and him. But I had to move quickly because she said waist no time. Was their lives on the line. I grabbed my things and made my way to the dorm the boys would be at.

Knock! Knock!

The door opened to Jungkook who looked like he just woke up from a nap.

"Nari, what are you doing here?" His voice was deep and raspy.

I and Korain broke up at the beginning of the spring semester because his parents thought I wasn't good enough for their son. He tried to fight for us but it was no use. And ever since we broke up I've seen guys differently. It took a toll on me since he was my first real boyfriend. And when I found out the reason Y/n left it really changed my outlook on the boys. But I guess things change. Especially Jungkook (at the time) he was different than before. Last year he had the same rep as Jimin the play/fuckboy that broke your heart the second you got together. To be honest, I hated all seven of them (at first), but they grew on me because of how they were treating Y/n and how they were most certainly treated me. I just miss her sometimes He even turned out to a kind and sweet guy. Completely opposite of what I thought he was like.

"I need all of your help."

"What kind of help?"

"I can't talk about it outside, can I come in?"



"What do you need to talk about?"

"I need you and the boys to take me somewhere. It has to do with Jimin and Y/n."

"Are you sure? Y/n wouldn't be caught dead with each him."

"I'm sure, but we don't have time to think about logic. They're in trouble and we're the only people that can partially help them."

"Can you get the rest of the boys ready and drive to this address?"(Shows phone)

"You're not playing me are you?"

"Why would I?"

"I've seen how you've been towards us. You look like you'd do anything to get the guys that drove your friend away."

"Get. The boys ready."

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